Friday, August 21, 2009

Update - News, Michael Feinstein & Cheyenne Jackson

OK, I have been a bit MIA here on the blog as I get ready for the parents 50th Anniversary surprise party. I am working on a video/slide show I thought would be 4 or 5 minutes that has turned into a 14 minute short film - LOL. I have been working on scanning the pictures, culling through cabinets of them, picking out music that is appropriate for them, not me... The surprise party is on Saturday afternoon on the 29th, a full two weeks before the actual date, so we might really surprise them. Hopefully that will be under control soon, and I can be back to internet fun!

steve A steve A

Meanwhile, I wanted to take the opportunity to welcome follower Steve A to the blog. Steve has his own blog called Long Haired Boy, which can be found here. I can identify with Steve when he writes that he sometimes is social, and sometimes antisocial. I tend to just say sometimes I don't like people. Stop by and see the blog, it is quite nice! Also, thanks to everyone who comes here, the blog is approaching 8,200 hits, which is just so surprising to me. I never would have thought anyone would be interested in the musings of a 50ish gay man rambling about music that didn't involve Cher, Celine or Whitney. And also several of the artists featured here have been very kind, stopping by to comment or Tweeting me some appreciation. That list includes Derek Nicoletto [of Telling On Trixie], Casey Stratton, Aiden James, Christopher Dallman, Jimmy Adams and Angel Adams. If I forgot anyone, sorry - been working on about 3-4 hours sleep a night.

michael feinstein,Cheyenne Jackson michael feinstein,Cheyenne Jackson
Photos by Linda Lenzi/

In other noteworthy news, After Elton reports Cheyenne Jackson and Michael Feinstein are heading to the studio to record an album together. I was very excited to hear they worked together in NYC, playing at Feinstein's at Lowe's Regency. In June, they performed a show called The Power Of Two, and by the time I heard about it, tickets were sold out. I first saw him on Braodway in 1988 in concert, called Isn't It Romantic, and again in 1990, in Piano And Voice. Feinstein has released 23 albums, and I have 18 of them. I am a freak, I can't help it. And I find him to be very hot.

michael feinstein,playbill michael feinstein,playbill

OF course, my appreciation of Cheyenne is well-documented on this blog (click here), but I will do a quick recap - he is gorgeous, tall, handsome, charismatic, and beautiful. So put the two together, and I was weeping I couldn't get a ticket. So when this album is released, I am so there!

michael feinstein,Cheyenne Jackson

You can find out more about Michael Feinstein at his website, and Cheyenne Jackson at his website.


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