Saturday, August 29, 2009

New Episode - Being Human (Episode 6)

being human,lenora crichlow
being human,russell tovey being human,russell tovey,aidan turner,lenora crichlow
being human,aidan turner being human,russell tovey

Tonight at 9PM (8PM Central) Being Human airs on BBC America, the final episode of the first season. I am telling you, I love this show, and it just keeps getting better. I cannot wait for season 2! As for the question I ask myself earlier in this series, I think I wanna marry George, and have the affair with Mitchell. Or just be able to watch him...

being human,russell tovey being human,aidan turner
being human,lenora crichlow being human,russell tovey

The season finale opens with a return to when George met Mitchell, and the bond they immediately shared. We return to the hospital, where Mitchell is fighting for his life, even as he confounds the medical staff with no real heartbeat [he is a vampire, after all]. George and Annie stay by his side. All this scares Nina, and she questions George, who has no definitive answers.

being human,lenora crichlow being human,russell tovey
being human,aidan turner,lenora crichlow being human,russell tovey

Annie has picked up a new 'skill set,' although she is unsure how to harness it. Josey stops by to see her former lover to talk and offer her assistance. Herrick wants to eliminate all three, and sets a plan in place. Will George abandon Nina or Annie & Mitchell? Who will save Mitchell? Will Annie gain strength, pass thru the door, or will she float away like a plume of smoke?

being human,aidan turner being human,aidan turner
being human,russell tovey

My selection for best quote from the episode follows:
Vicar [standing beside Mitchell's hospital bed]: We could just sit together for a few moments of quiet contemplation.
George: Contemplation about what?
Vicar: Fiery damnation and oblivion awaits all atheists.
George: Huh. No, it's not that. I'm Jewish, and, uhhhhh, he's complicated.
Vicar: Jews people pray, I 've seen Yentl.
George: You're very sarcastic for a vicar.
Vicar: Yeah, so people tell me and I feel really bad about it and then, you know, I forgive myself.

aidan turner,russell tovey,lenora crichlow,being human being human,russell tovey,aidan turner
being human,aidan turner,russell tovey being human,lenora crichlow,russell tovey,aidan turner

The accompanying pictures are screencaps from the episode. For more information, the Being Human website can be found here.

being human,aidan turner
being human,aidan turner
being human,aidan turner


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