Sunday, November 8, 2009

Login Difficulties

On Saturday afternoon, I was invited to a formal party, and showed up at 5 PM. At 5:15 PM, Second Life suddenly seized up and crashed on me, the "view IMs or quit" window prominently displayed. It had been happening to me a little more than usual lately, so I relogged. Trying to get back in, I got a message saying that I couldn't log in, saying there was a problem with the clock. Confused, I tried again. Same result.

I waited a while, and tried again, with no luck. Finally after several tries I checked the SL Blog, and found the following:

Login Difficulties

[5:15PM Pacific] We’re currently experiencing an issue with logins. You may see a message that indicates you cannot log in due to the system clock being set incorrectly. As a temporary workaround, setting your computer clock to Pacific Standard Time should allow you to login.

We’re working on resolving this issue as quickly as possible and will post here with updates.

I decided to try one more time before resetting my clock to California time, and it worked! Well, sort of. I was a cloud, and the voice and sound were gone. Just about everyone else was cloudy too. It was soon clear others were having problems. Many of the others were gone, and the hostess was putting up the Internet address for the music stream so people could hear it outside the SL client, humbly apologizing to everyone for the trouble.

I waited a few minutes for the cloud to fade. It soon did, but I got a bit of a shock. It seems SL had lost most of my fox avatar, leaving me a shape I hadn't seen for a long while. I'd been "ruthed" for the first time in well over a year, the look so familiar to long-time residents.

Others at the party had lost items too, such as jewelry. Someone suggested that I clear cache and relog. I did so, and coming back, was able to become a foxy guy again, much to my relief (and the others around me and in IM).

Leaving the place after the party, I got my sound and voice back. Though as so often these days, things still could take a while to load due to the lag.

The metaverse thrown out of wack because of a clock? Something seems a bit "cuckoo."

Bixyl Shuftan


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