Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Breast Cancer scammer!

It never ceases to amaze me that some scumbags can take advantage of Cancer.
This month is Breast Cancer Awareness month:

Breast Cancer Awareness Month (BCAM) was introduced as a worldwide campaign in 1993 by Evelyn Lauder to:
increase awareness of breast cancer
raise funds for research into the disease
support people affected by the disease.

There are official charities set up in Secondlife and they will always be open and will never solicit donations, most will have official vendors which pay an authorised avatar.
NEVER pay an individual for a donation - it has come to our attention that someone called beauu Twine is dropping pumpkins (made by someone else) on random avatars and then asking for a donation for breast cancer:
"beauu Twine: Im handing out breastcancer pumpkins for a 100l donation please be kind ty for supporting breast cancer reasearch!"
One look at his profile tells its own story, there is some information that he is also sending out group invites to an unrelated group. The only sure information that we have on this avatar is that he has/does work for "DeRailed" an inworld club - if you know this person then please teach him some morals this kind of scam hurts those really trying to raise awareness of breast cancer.
If this avatar drops you an item and then solicits you for a donation you can be pretty sure its going in his own pocket - feel free to file an abuse report and have his account suspended/frozen!
Fraud like this makes me sick as I am sure it does many others who work genuinely to help support cancer survivors inworld.
If you want to donate to charity check its the genuine charity first - real charities will have no problem answering questions and giving you information so you can donate out of secondlife!
Scammers like this need to be stopped!


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