Monday, January 28, 2008

SL sensation Space Junky

At a CNN press conference Saturday, Second Life residents had a chance to meet up and coming SL/RL celebrities. Two members of the SL sensation Space Junky as well as members of their management team, were on hand to answer questions and explain the band’s vision.

The band transcends traditional stardom by bringing their shows to life in the virtual world of Second Life. Living on three different continents makes live performances impossible, so the band streams their prerecorded albums during simulated concerts that feature complex programmed equipment, pyrotechnics and lighting systems. These real life artists with a background in the recording industry sat down with CNN reporter Raveon Ireport, as well as other members of the SL media and fans to discuss the recent RL release of their third album 'Resident Alien'. The lead singer Shakti Cianci and guitarist Zaphod Rahja along with their producer Valentis LeSabre were eager to share with their audience their views of Second Life, music and life in general.

Read the complete interview in our M.A.C.E. Section. Reported by : Babygirl Georgia


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