Saturday, September 8, 2007

Down The Rabbit Hole

Who is Trin, and what is she on about? Well the abridged version of me is simple! I am Scottish, this therefore gives me the right to complain about many things and if feeling the battle is being lost I have the right to shout "They will never take our freedom" from the very top of my blue and white coloured lungs.

Let me explain my reason for this 'down the rabbit hole'. Firstly I assume that most people with a pulse have seen the matrix and understand the concept of Alice tumbling down the rabbit hole? Hopefully my assumptions are true.

This is my soapbox, my podium for ranting. I do not just rant however, I will set a scene and then explain MY views on it and ways to get round it. Now you may agree with me, you may disagree, but please be aware of what was said above and be prepared for your ear plugs and Mel Gibson style shouting.

I love second life, but I also love to hate it at times. It is a wonderful, multi-coloured beauty and when they call it "your world, your imagination" really they hit the nail on the head. Of course "they" are our affectionately named and appointed Lindens. You know who I mean when I say Lindens, these are the people we ALL blame for everything wrong on the grid, but very VERY rarely ever see. I have been playing SL for a year now and I have seen a total of 3 Lindens during this time. I wonder where they all are. I think they must hide somewhere (in Gor perhaps?). Being a Linden in sl must be a nightmare, constant abuse and shouting.

Why do we want to shout at Lindens? Its a game, surely its to be treated as a game? Well personally I say no. It is a game, it is a game I pay for using those hard earned coins from RL. More importantly, and I shall stand out and say this without fear, it is a game I am addicted too. So are you, shock horror!

In theory if the grid is experiencing troubles then we should log off and continue on our rl journey. In practice, we fight with it, we shout at it and we sometimes even swear at it. Failing all those find some people and moan about Lindens and how useless they are, that usually helps.

I had a day like that today. I logged on this morning, in a good mood, all happy and calm. I checked my friends list to see who was online.... ah yes my good friend ‘waiting’ was online again. Waiting is a great guy, he never spams me, he never asks me to do anything, and I can shout at him and he won’t get flustered.

After the standard, clear cache and re-log (does this actually work? Waiting certainly couldn’t tell me) I returned to the grid. I went off to shop (god alone knows why).

Don’t worry I shall return, but right now I feel the need to go and break somethings and swear at Lindens.

Oh btw, I was going to give you advice to avoid this stress filled world of sl, but personally I haven’t found something. So work your stress out by making protest boards. That is of course if the texture library isn’t flickering all over the place :|


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