Friday, June 26, 2009

Gobs of Fun!!!!

Well, it is open! The SL6B is under way.
I have visited several times now, crashing hard the first time. It is filled with so many builds close together. It will take more than a few visits to see them all.
Last year at the SL5B one of the exhibits I enjoyed the most was the SL Children’s project so I decided to look in on them. My friend, Myrtil Igaly, told me of several sites done by the sl kids or related to them so off I went.
Great builds, as usual with a display of why kids want to be kids in sl and how to go about it all.
Then a tp off to the display that Loki Eliot has set up with pictures of so hundreds of the sl children. It was so delightful. I came across some of the children standing on their own pictures enjoying the moment, “Here I am!!” was the shout with pride.
As I stood there I noticed a large box with writing on it and went to investigate. I found a transmogrifier machine.
Wow! Get in it said!!
Do you want to be a child… follow your inner self??
OK I thought. I can do that… for a while, after all what is sl all about anyway: the inner self.
In the machine you will experience the sounds of hammers and saws, smoke and shaking but what fun!
I chose to be a little girl, dragged the folder to myself and popped out!!
Wow, and I was a little kid..
Looking closely I could see myself in there, but as a child. I have no idea what I will do with my avatars but it was great fun!
I went back at night to check it out again and was invited by one of the creators of the exhibit, Marianne Mccann to a reading of a short story by Sokmonkey Rutabaga.

After teleporting out of the globe where the reading took place I found the listeners playing on the toys set below in a playground and joined the fun.
I always find it refreshing to look in at the kids places. They have an inner sweetness that draws me back to see what is going on in their world.
Just to clarify, these are all adults who have chosen to be kids in sl as I wrote in my previous article. They are serious about being kids!

Many were involved in the creation of the exhibit and you will find their names on a note card at the location.
Be sure that when you get to the SL6B at the Cloning station to look for the sl kids places. You may find yourself wishing for that earlier time of your life!! Try it !
A good place to start is Cryo 30, 100, 22 or Cryo 196, 242, 22 . Enjoy!!!!

Gemma Cleanslate


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