Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sion chicken a menace to sims as they are..........

Today I had an IM from Intlibber Brautigan, he said he had a story for me and asked if I knew about 'Sion chickens'
Actually thanks to Gemma's story a few weeks ago I did but not very much and I said so.
IntLibber Brautigan: they lag the crap out of sims, physics and script lag. They've been spreading like an infection across the estate - I spent last night dealing with lag complaints all over the estate
IntLibber Brautigan: 10 chickens make 1 ms of script lag but each chicken makes 150 potential collisions!
He was so infuriated he considered an AR against the creator citing griefing issues but instead decided to speak to the designer and point out the problems.
Sion Zaius worked with Intlibber to fix the issues and had this to say:
Sion Zaius: yes, there have been problems with sion chicken causing physical lag. I'm working on the update which is called "version 11 lagless"
Originally the chickens were updated from the feed but this was changed about a week ago so I asked Sion what people needed to do as I understand you can't just pick them up and re-rez them.
Sion Zaius: since you cannot pick up chickens or eggs into your inventory without breaking them, you have to use chicken transport boxes or proteggtors to do so, if you use those objects, your chicken/egg will be updated automatically.
Sion Zaius: then, people would have to box up living chickens once, and free them again lag-improvement should then occur instantly - its awesome, this chicken has as collision score of 3.4 ... it had 140 before
IntLibber Brautigan: We will be requiring all of our residents who have chickens to update them if they want to keep them.
The lag improvement is just tremendous, its going to improve sim life for everybody.

To find out more about the chickens and why they are so popular I spoke to Phiona Ember who loves the chickens but also sees the enterprise opportunity too:
Phiona Ember: The new update will make it easier to have more chickens in one place and make it easier to update the chickens and care for them.
i love them :) they are fun to watch grow.. and breed, believe it or not they are very therapeutic.
dana Vanmoer: I guess they could get addictive
Phiona Ember: omg VERY
dana Vanmoer: so you keep a male and female together?
Phiona Ember: yes so they can breed, once you hatch an egg it takes about 2 weeks till they are of breeding age.
then you can pair them up.. and they make more eggs :)
dana Vanmoer: what do you do once you get too many though?
Phiona Ember: you can sell the eggs or keep them.. same with the chickens :) there's always more people that may want the colors you have or may want to start their own little farm :)
dana Vanmoer: So you can start trading them once you get started
Phiona Ember: many people, myself included, build a small business from it
Phiona Ember: some people are all about the business some people just enjoy the chickens I guess I'm lucky for me its a bit of both ..

The update should be ready by the end of today - Sion recommends all chicken owners update as soon as possible to avoid lag on your sims.
Sion Zaius: Special thanks to Intlibber, who made it possible for me to discover a way to reduce collision lag


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