Sunday, November 30, 2008

Winter hits the grid!

Winterfaire! Coming December 19 - January 5

As the Northern Hemisphere slowly tilts toward short days and cold, snowy landscapes, our minds inevitably turn to thoughts of togetherness. Once again, it is time for Second Life’s annual celebration of all that is Winter.

Winterfaire is our chance to gather for long nights, blinky lights, hot drinks and gifts in mysterious boxes. We will revel in our usual traditions like the Snowman Building Contest, the wildly popular Lindens v.s. Residents Snowball Fight, and maybe most important, tour your fabulous Winter-themed builds, all around the grid.

Winterfaire will be centered around the ancient Linden mainland regions of Wengen, Voss, Zermatt and Moritz.

This year we will also be using the Showcase in the Second Life viewer and web site to direct people to privately owned lands hosting must-see winter wonderlands.

What are the wintertime traditions in your part of the world? If you are planning a winter extravaganza in your region that demonstrates your traditions, we’d like to connect you to the Winterfaire network of locations.

Just keep these guidelines in mind when you plan and execute your winter builds: We will be looking for builds that are beautiful, well made, available throughout the event, and that present your regional sights, sounds and traditions of winter. We will bypass builds that are commercial in nature, so if you’re basically decorating your store for the season, that’s great, but it’s unlikely to be in the Winterfaire tour. Think of your build as a gift, freely given, to your fellow Residents, not as an opportunity to sell something.

As submissions come in, we will send out Lindens with snowshoes to check them out and bring back their recommendations for the Showcase.

While space in Showcase is limited, we will try to fit in as many submissions as we can, rotating them in and out during the event, giving many builds a chance to be seen.

An application for getting your build into the celebration will be forthcoming next week– til then, I’d encourage you to talk it over in the forum thread, what would be most fun? What are you planning? Are you thinking about creating a special build? hosting a holiday concert, a skating party, or something else? — Go Make It Snow!

Winterfaire plans? Talk it over in the forum thread. Dusty Linden will be there with more info and to answer questions next week.

We too will be featuring Winter themed wonderlands in our explore section and have no issues with them being commercial in nature so if you have come across a fantastic winter wonderland feel free to leave us an SLurl in the comments and we will try to get to see them all.
The two images you see above are Tyche, Styles of Edo and M&M winterland



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