Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Perfect Man!

I try not to be tempted to go to hunts. Sometimes if the designer or the store is a good one I will be drawn to them.
After all the Halloween I was ignoring them and my friend Breezes said she was through with them too. But!
This morning I was sucked in by one I could not resist and it was great fun!
A friend mentioned the d-Hunt put together by Ding Fotheringham and Venturino in JAYA so I went to look I had some real chuckles while in the sim.
There are newbies all over the place!!! It was decorated with a real sense of humor and I enjoyed it as I also found some nice freebies.
I landed in a subway where there has been a terrible accident ! A newbie is lying next to a train car which has unfortunately rendered him road kill!! Newbies are standing around in despair but it is too late!
I left the station after checking each newbie for a prize to buy for 0L. (yes the newbies have prizes inside them). At the plaza you will see a diner where you can order and sit outside or go in for a drink.
The slum tenement was full of newbies who had no jobs I guess.
You will find the Perfect Man there! I did! Sunday is the last day.
There are more interesting things to investigate if you can get there.
This is the slurl for the place if you have time.
It was too short a hunt!! Not just for the hunt!! But for the fun of the place !!
Gemma Cleanslate


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