Monday, November 17, 2008

M is listening - honestly!

Instead of dealing with the growing frustration caused by lack of communication in the FORUM lets all go down to the blog today we know we'll get a big surprise - Sorry if I seem a little jaded but what the H***
Since the open spaces announcement and charade of a forum *discussion all we see is the good news touting Lindens obviously trying to mask the true state of Secondlife with pep talks that hopefully fool no-one.
Luckily I am of the opinion that ANY outside company looking for a solution in SL will also look at Resident run blogs and real life press about the poor way Linden treat their PAYING customers, I am optimistic that NO corporation would want to deal with a company with so little respect for its customers.
Its great Secondlife is so transparent with its 'Q3 closed on a high note with an unusually strong September' and the mainland cleanup goes on - 'Progress Update regarding the recent Advertising Policy' I just wonder if Linden realises none of this matters? Real companies research before they invest, maybe Linden Lab need to realise public relations are one of the first things corporate businesses look at.
The Solution Providers Update from Glenn Linden just makes Linden Lab look even more desperate for money (sorry Glen, but timing is everything) - bleeding the residents is not enough.
I have always tried to remain objective but it's getting much harder to do. I read with interest Zee Lindens forum and have to admit he did a great job of actually responding and answering many questions, we may disagree on his numbers but at least he bothered to engage with the residents. He is a shining example of a Linden, not perfect but willing to admit Linden Lab messed it up!
"A better way to say it would have been to say that its our fault because we didn't put the proper restrictions on them and then they were naturally used for more than they were intended. Its our mistake. Really. I mean it. Completely our mistake." Zee Linden

The communications officer? You can read for yourself how she dealt with frustrated residents and I will say she needs to take a look at her condescending attitude and remember the residents are not children playing a game but adults many of whom make a real living out of SL and run businesses in the real world also.

The long awaited reply from M Linden finally happened after 2600+ posts, short and not so sweet;
This has been a very robust thread with a lot of dialog and back and forth. I've kept up with all the posts as you've shared them. Since most were specific to the price change, I thought Jack -- the person responsible for Land here at Linden Lab -- would be the best person to answer them. In addition to the posts here, I have gotten a lot of emails and note cards from residents with many thoughts, ideas, concerns, some anger and frustration but also messages of hope and support. Thank you all for sharing your views so profusely!
There is a lot of feedback that will be very useful as we evolve our land product further.
Thank you again for sharing your thinking and your feelings.
M Linden.

I find it amazing that if he was reading the forum and thought Jack "would be the best person to answer" that he didn't ask Jack to do exactly that, but nobody got the chance to reply as the forum thread was closed just 4 posts later.

In the meantime the SOS movement grows stronger, SOS is no longer simply a group in Second Life, but rather a legally formed non-profit organizaton known as “The Grid Representation Foundation” doing business as SOS.

I will leave this for now as I just find it pathetic and hope that RL companies properly research before thinking of investing in SL the way many residents have done.
Dana Vanmoer


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