Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sadness and realisation

You know tonight I was taking pictures for Mami Jewels' new releases coming out this week and it suddenly struck me; we could very soon lose our little piece of paradise.
I love Caprona and its just so unfair!
We rarely use all the prims we are allowed here, maybe the exception to that is when James and I got married and at that time I can understand we may have put a strain on the server for an hour or so but is that unusual? Aren't all servers going to be strained occasionally? Anyway only 4 avatars are usually on our island and then rarely for any length of time or all at the same time, so why should we be punished for the 'light' use of our retreat?

I truly feel saddened at the way Linden Lab are treating their residents, the people who have found happiness in their secondlives and are now having it ripped from them in such an unjust way.
For my part I am losing faith in LL and to show my disappointment I will no longer be doing business with the Lindex - why should I give them a penny after the way they have treated every one of us. Most of the decisions LL has made of late I may not have liked but I have always been able to keep my distance and sometimes even see both points of view but, in this, LL has pushed me too far.
I recommend if you are not going to use the Lindex, like myself, then you make sure you use a reputable exchange instead like the ones on either ACE-Exchange or Xstreet(formally sl-exchange). I know there are others but I personally do not know of them please feel free to add a link (in the comments) to any reputable exchanges you have used in the past.
As a reporter and editor of this newspaper I have always tried to remain impartial while still being true to myself, but, in this issue I have failed and am not afraid to say so. Many of my friends are talking of leaving SL and many others are selling their land and downgrading their accounts. While nothing is set in stone yet, according to Jack Linden, and there is a spark of hope left that LL may reconsider or find a compromise I will wait as many others will do - just don't wait to long Linden Lab to make some sort of decision or you may find yourself with a world empty of content creators and supporters.
Dana Vanmoer
(dress 'nicole' by Styles of Edo - to be released this week)


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