Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Introducing Magdeleine Rossini The NOT SO Tranquil Writer

While setting up for the birthday celebrations Nazz Lane introduced me to a friend of his Magdeleine Rossini, now bearing in mind how hectic things were you might agree this was not the best time for me to pay attention BUT with Mags you just can't help it!
To show you what I mean I asked her to write to me and tell me a bit about herself, for perusal at a later time, I wouldn't normally publish this sort of thing but to give you some idea what to expect I am going to print a little of that letter:

I descend from a long line of wordsmiths who totally rebuffed the idea of ever becoming "journalists". I learned at the knee of a fine "newspaperman" -- who, by the grace of God, married a bawdy Vaudevillian.
I'm fairly transparent in all my various worlds -- one to the other -- and as such, my writing is frequently infused with gobs of unvarnished maternalisms and absurd notions of hope. Can't be changed. Tried and failed.
"Well, Madam. You certainly didn't topple me over in a fit of glee with *that* introduction," Dana said.

"Wait! Wait!," Mags crouped out; her tone gone all whiskey-voiced from sucking in file vault dust. A chalky fist emerged from the abyss."I found it! Filed under 'Potato', where else?"

Dana did a quick read through, poised to grab the Mighty Red Pencil and get to work. "Mags, may I ask you a question?"

"Shoot," Mags replied.

"Why did you send me a clip about channeling serial killers in order to make searing investigations of their deep-seated feelings?"

Mags froze solidly. Fixed in space and time like a deer caught in the headlights. "Damnation! That one should have been under 'Porridge'." She proceeded to leave her "particulars below" in the event that she hadn't flummoxed the entire first impression. "Well, maybe they'll let me write some risible obits...."

With a letter like that I just couldn't do anything else but take her on, you will find Mags first column in the PEOPLE section.

Dana Vanmoer

Disclaimer: SL-Newspaper takes no responsibility for accidents that occur to their readers through laughing or choking. DV


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