Sunday, April 1, 2007

The most dangerous place to be???

The truth is out the Pit is definately being swallowed by the lava that gave it its name.

Do we run and hide - NO we PARTY like its the 1980's (I just hope someone has an evacuation plan in force)

That's right everyone say goodbye to the Lavapit in 80's style and if it gets too hot ..............


The cages and poles are open to anyone today so we can heat it up in our own way as we say goodbye to the best club in SL. So if you haven't anything better to do or even if you do make this the best party ever for all our friends at the pit - chuck on your old 80s gear and get down here before its too late! Even as i write this the lava is climbing higher outside with the floor feeling hotter by the minute, the steam is rising kept at bay only by the tears of all the people who are going to miss this place!
Dana :(


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