Saturday, April 7, 2007

Employment Management system

MikVik Mathilde is happy to announce that his new Employment Management system the SecondLife Customer Service Group (SLCSG) has now been opened!

About The SLCSG
The SLCSG is a Web based system that can give you out sourced customer services anywhere inside of SecondLife! The System is designed to make sure that you can have maximum coverage for your businesses, including 24/7/365 support for your businesses!

About MikVik Mathilde
Mikvik has over 14 years in RL IT systems development and currently teaches and develops enterprise class web applications. He is also a SecondLife Musician, and has been seen venue such as playing in Club Rock.

Q: What plans have you for the future of the system and are there going to be any further enhancements to the system?
A: Yes loads of plans! in the months to come th system will have an accounts system added along with a brand new scoring system that will enable employers to pick from only the best performers!.

Q: Anything else we can look out for?
A: Yep! theres going to be a shift management system too and that will be coming very soon!

Q: So why are people using the SLCSG instead of the other employment systems?
A: As anyone who has used Sl for any length of time has found out, lag kills everything that is inside of SL! the SLCSG has terminals inside of SL but the database stuff is actually outside and so doesnt get effected by rolling restarts and lag or downtime! It Safe Simple and Secure!

If you have any further inquiries please IM Mikvik and he will arrange for a SLCSG manager to visit you business.


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