Monday, March 15, 2010

RFL Clothing fair how and why, part 1 ....................

The RFL Clothing fair is a big event in any SL calender and, getting involved more and more each year, I see how much hard work and dedication go into this event.
Much is accomplished by builders, organisers, designers, models and many many more BUT none of it would be possible without the help of the people who sponsor this event and each day I would like to give each of them the opportunity to tell us why they feel the way they do about this event in particular, what motivates them and what they hope to achieve.
Breezes asked each to answer a few of those questions and the replies are varied and interesting I hope they inspire you as much as they do me. Dana

I will start with the Centre sim sponsors Lightning Video:

Arabella Cinquetti & Chiman Fassbinder

Chiman and myself got involved with Relay for Life because we have had cancer touch each of our lives, Chiman lost a child a few years back and it has been a real struggle even now to face. I had skin cancer in 2003 and in 2008 diagonised with ovarian cancer.

Chiman and I came to second life for kind of the same reasons, he was healing from the death of his child and I was still healing and dealing with the after results of my  first chemo and couldnt leave the house, and there was second life. Chiman and I met the first day I landed in world and have been inseperable since. While in Secondlife and real life there are always instances and situations that pull us in different directions we have always been each others rock we lean on.  In that time we started several business, Lightening Video, Sinful Pleasures, Fantasy and Cf Furnishings, we continue to grow and learn and hope that while we do we have fun, because ultimately everyone needs to have an outlet and second life is ours. Our passion is Relay for Life.

Nevar came into our life when he was promoting a event for RFL, and needed donations and lets say the rest is history. We were so excited and Chiman and I were right on board, we know what cancer can do and hoped what we would contribute could make a difference in someones life.  Whenever we are needed we will be there for Relay and Nevar, he has become near and dear to our heart. We never met someone so selfless in a cause and couldnt help but want to help ease his burden if just a little bit with whatever we could.

Nevar on a personal note, When i was going through Chemo for my ovarian cancer late last year he was there for me personally. He would message me and know just when i needed someone to lean on, and gave me the support and guidance that was a god send. He will never know just how much that meant to me. That kind of caring only comes from someone very special.

I hope that for the future that Relay will  continue to prosper and grow, I hope for Nevar that he will continue to do the things he does because without people like him, this would not be a reality.  I wish for the people who participate in these events for such a great cause that this will become their passion. I know Chiman and myself will not stop participating or doing whatever we can til there is a cure. Because this is what its all about, this is not about anything else except to help raise money for the one thing that eludes us all, A cure for a deadly disease that I know in my heart will have a cure and will no longer plague anyones life or family and the great losses of such amazing people will come to an end.


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