Saturday, March 27, 2010

Imperial Russia RP in Second Life

I recently heard about a region in Second Life made for a historical roleplay: The Romanov Imperial Court of Russia.

The RP takes place in 1776. Russia is ruled by Ekaterina II, better known as Catherine the Great, as well as the Russian nobility. In St. Petersburg, court intrigue abounds. In the southern part of the Empire, a rebellion is brewing. Between them and the capital, the army marches to meet them. And everywhere, the peasants somehow manage to eke out a living despite everything against them.

The RP covers 11 sims. SL Newspaper came in contact with one of the players, ThomasK Andel, whom told us that the group had over 200 members, of whom about a hundred were active participants in the roleplay. Players could take on multiple characters, the Thomas saying he himself played both a nobleman and one of the rebels. Court intrigue takes up much of the roleplaying, but there was plenty of action with the Empire having to deal with a rebellion, as well as people going about their lives. There were also a number of players playing the roles of doctors and their aides.

The region was described as having it’s own economy, with it’s own RP currency technically apart from the Linden, players able to buy period clothing and personal weapons at shops. But some effort (and presumably Lindens) are needed to maintain one’s rank in the RP.

One has to join the RP group to move onto the place freely. For those who don’t, there are red barriers around places, including around the main entrance, though some can be gotten around. Near a ship are a few free peasant outfits, one for men, two for women.

There is no official roleplaying going on for now. The region is still under construction. Some places are largely finished, others are still being worked on. Thomas explained among those working on the builds were Second Life residents living in Russian in real life. He went on to say there would be some activity soon.

The official entrance to the region is at the Peterhof sim at (167, 65, 28).

“God Save the Tsaritsa”

Bixyl Shuftan


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