Thursday, March 18, 2010

RFL Clothing fair how and why, part 3 ....................

Luna Not only sponsored a sim but also Built the Milan sim with her representation of the Galleria, one of the most striking builds at the RFL clothing fair this year, here Luna tells us how she got involved:

My involvment with the Clothing Fair comes after the one with Relay For Life. 
In my first days in Second Life I discovered by chance about this organization  through clothes I bought, and I just loved the idea to have the opportunity to give my little contribute to the Cancer research, and in general to use a gaming tool, like SL, for something so important for all the human beings.
Then when I started designing clothes it came natural to keep this connection hosting RFL vendors in my shop.
On october 2009 I eventually have realized the project to build my sim, Fantavatar, and during the inauguration of it I have met two wonderful people: Nevar Lobo and Amethyst Starostin. A while after we first met they contacted me and asked if I would have been willing to collaborate to the Clothing Fair, building the Milan sim, I did accept enthusiastically this opportunity to actively participate in a great event as it is.
The Clothing Fair is a great event under many aspects, it gives chance to clothes designers to promote their works and their skills, to meet other designers and exchange creative ideas, gives chance to people loving the fashion field to be updated in what is going on at the moment, gives chance to socialize through the many related events that will happen during the Fair - but most of all, again, gives the chance to all of us to contribute to something so vital for everyone like the Cancer Research.
I have been so lucky to never been directly involved in this diseases in real life, but  it doesnt need to be under an hurricane to know hurricanes are better to be avoided, and if it there is a chance that it can be done - avoiding it - then it is a good idea to support those that are trying to find a cure, and help those that are trying to fight it back every day. 
The Clothing Fair will be a great fun event aimed to a good cause, my hopes is that these kind of events aswell as the number of people supporting them in anyway - from organizing, building or just attending - will grow exponentially in Second Life, and I am just glad to be one of them. 

Luna Barak


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