The couple were often seen visiting the mainland, obviously in love, shopping and finding items for their new life together. Occasionally they could be spotted in private sex clubs, enjoying each other. This may be due to the fact that the house was incomplete, who knows but it was commented that it has never been Matts habit to visit such clubs.
Construction continued until a large, artificial, waterfall was completed. Since then Mattt has not been heard from.
Mattt’s dad InsyX Piranha, concerned about his son’s lack of contact with the family, contacted Baron and enquired as to how his son was. Baron, after a slight pause, explained that Mattt had left to go on holiday but he had stayed behind to supervise the final construction and furnishing of the various buildings on the island. He quickly severed communication after saying that a matter required his personal attention, (Baron was heard to shout at someone unknown “Don’t dig near the f’ing waterfall you damn moron, the cement has not fully cured”), before the line was cut.
Since then, Baron appears to be living the ‘High Life’. He has been seen is some dubious establishments, and also appears to have changed his appearance somewhat. He has attended parties held at pole dancing clubs and, according to a source, was seen to be giving one dancer a large tip, on more than one occasion.
The lighthouse keeper, Neslave Laville, whom Baron DeSantis has employed as part of Neslave’s parole agreement, stated that he had not seen Mr Guyot since taking on the position. As part of his daily duties is to check on the main island for security reasons, he is a regular visitor to the area. He did mention that several weeks ago he had noticed a large gathering of crows near the base of the mountaintop retreat of his employers, but as he had duties to perform at the parole (HWH) camp, did not have time for further investigation. The following day, all appeared normal on his checks.
Due to the past history of Baron DeSantis, though it pains me as a fellow reporter to say it, could there be something more to this? Is Mattt Guyot really on holiday or has DeSantis returned to his previous bloody ways?
On contacting both Ghul and Bay City Police Stations, this reporter was informed that no official “Missing Person’s Report” had been filed. Contacting other Police stations resulted in the same response.
I tried to contact Baron to ask how Mattt was and he shouted down the line at me … “Mattt is on ******* holiday ok?”
Hmmm... interesting response. Am I alone in thinking that it's odd that a newly wed, much in love with their new spouse, should choose to go on holiday alone, in the middle of building the couples much cherished love nest?
Should anyone see or successfully contact Matt Guyot, please inform this reporter so that I may put his family at ease.
thanks to InsyX Paranha for the wedding photo.
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