Thursday, July 31, 2008

Venture Magazine launches Tomorrow!

Inspired by being able to help some of his store owners and hearing of how other successful business people have mentored young businesses, Giacobini set out to bring that help to the masses.
"I saw how some of my closest friends were lending their knowledge to some people and that made me realize that we could bring all of this knowledge to everyone that wanted it. Maybe we can even help establish accepted business models in a world where they don't exist, yet," says Giacobini.

Launching on August 1, 2008, Venture Magazine is entering an arena that filled with many other great magazines. However, Venture Magazine does not have any direct competition. As of this press release, there are no other montly magazines that feature business leaders and offer advice on how to grow small businesses into big businesses. This new tool for business owners will surely positively impact how business is done in SL, forever.
For further information regarding advertising, kiosks or magazine copies, please contact Carter Giacobini. To join the group for the magazine, simply do a search for "Venture Magazine"


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