Monday, June 25, 2007

Introducing Baron DeSantis

Museum of Avatar Art

On a group of small islands, far far away (at least from my 'home' location), there exists a land of wonders. Some small, others large and a few 'wow' is size. Land based in part, others occupy space in the watery depths, all are the result of time, effort and skill by the creators.

Where to find this world? Well you could teleport to Xe and plunge into the depths as I did. However, to get the full benefit and enjoyment, teleport to The Museum of Avatar Art.
On arrival you will find a B&W torso sporting a bright red apple for a head!! (Turn on your speakers/music)
Close by, you have the chance to grab a note card and HUD. Following the little blue arrow signs will take you to numerous sculptures until you are faced with a dilemma.. a cliff face.
Do you leap off into the void? Yes Yes Yes.. For within Neptune's realm exists a wondrous part of the exhibition.
More sculptures (some of which defy, though appear to originate from, natural forms) will intrigue you.
An underwater building houses a curious mixture of work, some of which you can alter.
On leaving through the rear exit, turn sharp right, again following the arrow signs.
This leads to the area 'par excellence' (in my humble opinion).

Due to lack of space, I cannot mention all the works/artists but this in no way decries from the high standard achieved by those I fail to mention. The few I do mention are just because I was intrigued.
"Crossed Swords In Green Marble (When will they ever learn?)" by Cheen Pitney: An amazing piece. Almost as if a 'still' from a blockbuster epic."Fallen Angel" by Starax Statosky: A fossil like image, wonderful."From Hippos Emerge (The Ghostly Bug Takes form)" by Stella Costello, intriguing.

If there is an exhibition that sets the standard for SL sculpture, this is truly it. A must see for those who wish to stroll, relax, and enjoy the art & ambient music within SL.

10/10...Oh and by the way? NO AQUALUNGS NEEDED!!

From the pen of Baron DeSantis


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