Friday, August 14, 2009

Worth Another Listen - Vitamin Z

vitamin z
vitamin z,geoff barradale vitamin z,nick lockwood
Top: Geoff Barradale, Nick Lockwood & David Rhodes.
Bottom: Left - Geoff; Right - Nick.

Vitamin Z formed in 1982, with singer Geoff Barradale and bassist Nick Lockwood of Sheffield, Endland, making up the nucleus of the band. Later, they added guitarist David Rhodes. They were basically one-hit-wonders in the music business, but for my heart, they were so much more. I love the smokey edge to Geoff's voice, his turn of a phrase, the emotion-laden strain of his vocals. And Nick, well, he was just so darned hot.

The put out two albums; Rites of Passage in 1985, and Sharp Stone Rain in 1989. Both releases contained different versions of the single, Burning Flame. I, of course, have both, and enjoy them greatly. Rites has one of my favorites, Casablanca, with it's Middle Eastern flair and rhythms. Wish I could share more, but I am having a tough time finding other videos to embed, so I will leave you with a few clips of some other fantastic songs.

vitamin z,nick lockwood,geoff barradale vitamin z
vitamin z,nick lockwood,geoff barradale,david rhodes
Bottom: David, Nick & Geoff.

To find out more about Vitamin Z, go to the official website.


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