Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Shannon "Oherlihy" McMahon Live in New Haven, CT

On 15 August, I traveled to New Haven, CT to meet friends and see Shannon live in RL. We were all so excited! Shannon was playing at a local, downtown book shop called Never Ending Books. An unusual venue I thought, but apparently they have local live musicians performing there every 3rd Saturday of the month.

The place was charming and quaint, consisting of two narrow rooms, with two separate entrances. The one room was jam packed with books, every which way on the shelves. The place runs strictly on donations, no real book sales (don't ask me how they do it). There was complimentary wine, beer, soda and water, as well as cheese and crackers and other snacks. I felt like I was joining friends for the evening.

Shannon was the first performance of the evening and took the stage at approximately 7:30 pm. The stage was surrounded by a red skirt (no idea what the stage really was!). The limited seating was in the form of folding metal chairs. The place did NOT have air conditioning, and man was it hot! I don't think anyone cared though.

Shannon looked surprisingly much like her SL avatar and she sounded even more beautiful in RL as she does in SL, if that's even possible. She is very unassuming and you can tell she sings from her heart and enjoys it.

Shannon played her stock SL favorites, including"Emotional Vampire," "Anyway," "The Test," and "Salvation Mailbox," a song for if she ever got to Nashville. She wrapped up her set with "You Never Loved Me."

Save for the members of the band following Shannon and a sprinkling of other folks, five of us were SecondLifers. Shannon explained what she does in SL and about those of us who traveled to see her live.

Following Shannon was another local band called Lonesome Sparrows, 4 seasoned musicians who were very enjoyable and hilarious. We asked Shannon to nudge them into coming to SL where I am sure they would have a following.

All in all, it was a great time and well worth the travel.

Shellie Sands


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