Monday, August 17, 2009

Netroots Convention 2009 in Second Life

The Netroots Nation, a yearly convention for politically liberal/progressive bloggers, took place last weekend in Pittsburg from Thursday August 13th to Sunday the 16th. Online, the convention was held here in Second Life as well, with exhibits and events.

At the entry point of the Netroots Nation sim, one got a notecard explaining the event and the schedule. There were also directions for first-time users of Second Life, and a few free avatars. The background music for the sims was National Public Radio. There were a number of sponsorship booths around. The majority were more-or-less in tune with the political theme of the convention, such as an anti-war booth and one endorsing a candidate for the Democratic party in one election in the US. There was one about a non-political cause, getting and sending books for US soldiers in war zones. Virtually Speaking, the liberal talk show in Second Life, also had a booth there.

Humor was a part of a number of displays. Some were mocking conservatives, both leaders and supporters. Others just aimed for a chuckle, not taking serious jabs. A few of the sponsorship booths had next to nothing to do with politics or causes, such as the one for SL real estate sales, and the one for recruitment for a World of Warcraft guild.

There were also a number of events throughout the convention. Most notable was former US President Bill Clinton’s opening keynote address, which was streamed live from the RL convention in Pittsburg. Other events included speakers on subjects from “the challenges and rewards” of nonviolent activism in support of civil rights “particularly in the context of events in Iran,” to how Second Life and other “virtual environments” can help “connect rule, urban, red state, and blue state activists to the greater progressive community,” to “How Hip-Hop Builds Movements.” Many events took place both in Pittsburg and Second Life.

But not all events were debates and lectures. There were parties and dances, a word game, as well as an interfaith religious service. Some corners of the area had scenes with trees and buildings where one could forget politics for a little while.

Listening to discussions and talking to a few, the biggest issue in the convention appeared to be the debate over the government’s role in health care in the United States. There were no shortage of opinions. With the convention being for the left of center, the majority of comments this reporter overheard were in favor of more control by the Federal government, “I'd rather not die because some CEO wanted another Porsche this year.” “How about a for-profit fire department?” But not everyone had such opinions, “Power concentrated in the hands of government, isn’t that what the Magana Carta and the American Revolution were (against)?” “We shouldn't trust too high a concentration of power in any hands, whether its corps or gov.”

Away from the debating, I talked to one Canadian attendee whom wished the United States well in improving it’s health care system, though felt it would be a good idea to see what happened with other countries, “some are mistaken in thinking we came by health care easily up here,” saying Canada had a doctor’s strike after the new system was put in, as well as other problems, “You’re in the (21st Century) now, your battle will be much harder.”

At 2PM Sunday was the Closing Party, with the convention coming to a close at it’s end.

The Netroots SL convention took place on the Netroots Nation and Progressive Island sims.

Bixyl Shuftan


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