Saturday, August 2, 2008

Furries and Second Life

Hello and welcome to my first column for the SL Newspaper.
I'm Penny and I'll be writing how-to's and observation pieces.
I've had over a year on Second Life to observe how people interact online, (and have frequently been the brunt of it), so Dana thought a good first article would be a look at how Furries are treated on SL.
Now, being a Neko myself, and having once written for another SL Media outlet that shall remain nameless because of it's nature as a troll breeding ground, I've seen first-hand how a lot of people treat the Furry crowd.
As a neko I'm often mistaken for a furry, and I know how unfathomably nasty some haters can be.
But why?
What is it about Furries in specific that engenders so much hate online?
Why does what is at worst a strange but harmless sexual fetish and at best just a quirky unique form of self-expression merit hatespeech and trolling on par with the grief openly gay people get online?
Now first of all let's be clear, I'm talking purely online issues here, not real life. In real life the worst I've heard happening to Furries is loser teenagers mocking them and egging them at their conventions, nothing like the frequent bashings and murders GLBT folks endure.
But online the hate is equal, and rampant, and so vitriolic it borders on obsession.
So why are Furries hated?
Continue reading HERE ...............


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