Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What are we waiting for?

Actually a kiss but I think CG Linden had had enough kisses for the day and to make sure he got a break he turned transactions off (LOL), well that was one theory at the halfway there fair helped by this comment:
"CG Linden: Oh yeah, sure, I am disrupting the db for the express purpose of frustrating you :)"
But seriously these wonderful teams came together for the day and spent a lot of effort to raise money for RFL and of course transactions go down, log ins, teleport.............
dana Vanmoer: Our central database is sad, which leads to disruptions in several inworld services, such as teleports, search and profiles not working, logins and transactions failing. Please do not attempt any transactions with non-copy items at this time.
Vint Falken: dana, nooo! we have a wedding at greenies in 4 hours!! :( (way to shoot the messenger)
dana Vanmoer: maybe we didnt raise enough and the database is unhappy?
So there we all were pretty much stuck, so we all sit down and wait and wait and wait.
And CG (computer generated) Linden what did he do?
CG Linden: -sigh-
Then waited some more as Log ins are closed for emergency maintenance on the database:
CG Linden: Hi dana
CG Linden: just reading your site...

But seriously after what seemed an age but was probably no-where near that long the fair got underway and I did in fact get my kiss (but maybe don't tell James, its not the way for a lady to behave who is soon to be married)
But hey all in a good cause right?

The teams from Radio Radio, Relay Roleplayers, MASH, Caledon, and Relay Raiders would like to thank everyone who participated in the Jailhouse Rocks for Relay event....
As we Close out this event .... we want to share that with each persons help, one linden at a time, the teams raised...
2,227,185L$ ..... (
Thats over $8500USD)
Thank you and GO RELAY !!!!!

I have no totals on the fair itself but I am sure that with the amount of support given by each and every person there and every team working together at this huge event it was a success!

On a personal level RFL means a lot to me. as most are probably aware. so I would like to thank everyone that even donated a single Linden, it all adds up and it all helps.
Keep working and one day we may find a cure.

Celebrate! Remember! Fight back!


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