Sunday, June 15, 2008

It is time to double group slots!

Dear Lindens,

This is a bit of an open letter to request a no-nonsense change that should have been made years ago in Second Life. How about doubling the number of groups we can subscribe to, and make it 50?

Is it that much of a challenge to give people enough freedom to have more than 25 groups?

This limit is among the reasons why people create alt avatars and why lots of groups do not have the membership levels they deserve. When you absolutely want to join a group or create one, you often have to leave another. Or, simply, you do as I do. You join some on a temporary basis and keep the most important ones permanently.

Some content creators have done a nifty job to create alternatives such as a group joiner that sends updates directly to avatars without, taking a membership slot. But then again, if your notices and chat are capped, you may not see your group update on the screen when logging on. This also prevents you from using group settings to manage objects and land.

Such limitations only dilute the SL experience. How about having the obvious fix for it?


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