Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Greetings from Katt Linden

Yesterday saw the introduction of a new Linden, Katt Linden:

Thwack…thwack…is this thing on? Oh, hi. This is Katt, one of the newest Lindens.
I’m the new Communications Manager, and kudos to those of you who noticed the position had been filled.
So what am I here to do?
A big part of my job is to listen. I will also be aggregating your comments here and monitoring the blogosphere, to follow developing trends and opinion. I’ll be working to update our communications tools. And, I’ll be doing my best to help all of us at Linden Lab be more consistent and effective as bloggers and communicators.
Linden Lab knows how important it is that we have clear and consistent communications with Residents. We know that we have work to do, and that’s why I’m here.
I’ll start by managing a facelift on the forums, and then on the blog.
As for me, I’ve been paying attention to Second Life, and reading your blogs, for a couple of years now, and like you, I care deeply about Second Life. And I’m more proud than I can say to be part of Linden Lab, “working to connect us all to an online world that advances the human condition.”
My role here is, however, a work in progress, and so I’m going to start out by saying that I’ll need to ask for your patience.
This is surely going to be evolving, and I welcome your feedback.

We would like to welcome Katt and wish her the best of luck.
Judging by the mixture of comments and flak jackets handed out, her job is not one to be envied, after all you can only please some of the people some of the time and frustration is running high.
Some explaination is needed to clarify what Katt will actually be doing, 'A big part of my job is to listen' this doesn't say she will actually do anything with what she hears. Most are hoping this is not just another PR stunt to keep the tiers coming in a little bit longer while they TRY to fix the platform.
In reply to one very frustrated Resident Katt said;
'I do hear how frustrated you are. I wish I could promise to wave a magic (Starax!) wand and make it all better right now — but I can assure you that we are, really, working hard on the issues. That’s one reason you see tech posts from the Lindens working on some issues, like Sidewinder’s posts about Havoc, which has had a huge impact on *reducing crashes*. Can we get better at communicating things? Sure, and that’s why I’m here, to try to help.'
Well, we have asked for better communication for a long time let us all give Katt a chance to settle in and hope that this bodes well for future communication, a simple Inworld warning would suffice to satisfy a lot of that frustration and save a lot of people money.
We can but hope..................


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