Friday, September 25, 2009

Voting Opportunity - National Equality March

Toby Madigan

This afternoon I received an email from Toby Madigan, whom I had featured in this blog a while ago. He has written a song for the upcoming National Equality March, and has reached the final 4. All four are being put up for a public vote, and the winner will get to sing their song in Washington, DC, for the March. I figured I would vote for him, and offer anyone who might be interested in voting the chance to do the same. At the end of the post I will also embed the YouTube video so you can hear the song for yourself. You can also listen to all four entries and vote as you so desire. The voting ends October 1, 2009 at 5PM PST. The email read as follows:
Hi! It's me, Toby Madigan. I need your help. I need your VOTES to go to Washington D.C. and sing at the National Equality March! If you get a chance today, can you follow the instructions below? I would GREATLY appreciate it!


My song "Stand For Love" is now among the Top 4 Finalists for the Equality Song Contest. The winner will be FLOWN to Washington, D.C. to sing live in front of thousands at the National Equality March!

The winner will be chosen by FACEBOOK and YOUTUBE Votes! PLEASE, PLEASE, take the time to do it if you have a chance!

Instructions for FACEBOOK voting:
1. Go to the National Equality March FanPage (link below) and Become a Fan (if you are not already).
2. Scroll down the page until you see my song "Stand for Love." You can click on the image to listen to the song. Then, click "like". THAT'S IT! Now you have voted for my song on Facebook!

Link: National Equality March on Facebook

Instructions for YOUTUBE voting:
1. Go to the youtube link below.
2. In the bottom left below the video screen, you will see stars. You must first "sign in" as a Youtube Member to rate me.
3. Once you have signed in (assuming you are a Youtube member), just click for however many stars you want to give me!

Link: "Stand for Love" on Youtube
Toby Madigan's contest entry:

Toby Madigan


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