Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Evolution in the Playa

The excitement is palpable!
The landrush is on for parcels for the spectacular Burning Life in Second Life.
This event is based on the Burning Man event in real life that takes place every year in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada.
You can check this out on the web.
The Burning life Groups IMs are hot and heavy every day with questions and comments about the land rush and for a chance to get to the playa and chose a plot if you are so lucky.
I was able to make it into the sims during Friday’s rush. Dusty Linden refers to the land rushes as an experiment in cooperation. It takes a while to sort out who got what land and is able to build.
I found glee in those who have obtained plots for their artistic endeavors and some downcast faces still looking for the elusive plot. They still have chance to grab one over the weekend so are not completely forlorn.
One was thrilled since this was her third try during the past week and she made it.. There are already some impressive builds in some of the sims.
If you search Burning Life you will find there are many sims to visit when it opens on October 17.
The theme this year is Evolution and all builders are reminded to stay with the desert evolution in their building;
I enjoyed it so much last year that I have applied for a “job” this year but will be writing more about those experiences.
Gemma Cleanslate


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