Sunday, July 26, 2009

Under The Milkyway Tonight (Daniel Cartier)

There were just a couple of things I wanted to mention in a quick post, so here it goes.


First, I want to thank everyone as the blog had hit number 2,000 on Friday, July 24. That is half the time it took to get to 1,000, so hopefully that means I am doing something right. And Friday night, the Robert German selection was my 100 post. The thing that truly amazes me is the list of countries that is on the first page of the Feedjit list: Belgium, UK, USA, Brazil, Singapore, Poland, Israel, Germany, Canada, Australia, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Costa Rica and Lebanon. The thought my odd little musings about some of my favorite music and musicians, favorite television shows, and my computer problems have been read by so many is just odd to me, but a good odd. For me, it is like sending out a message in space, and hearing back from the world. To offer my thanks, here is a video recently posted by Daniel Cartier, singing a cover a song by The Church, Under the Milkyway Tonight.

Second, I saw an iPod widget on another blog, My Place In This World, and ripped it right off and put it on the blog here. I might change out the music from time to time, and if you would like listen, just click on the iPod Touch under the 'About Me' section on the right hand side. It is a clever little virtual gizmo, and you can fast forward to the next song, or just choose the songs you would like to listen to, and even pause it.



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