Monday, March 30, 2009

Zee Linden announces his departure

John Zdanowski AKA Zee Linden has announced he is to leave Linden Lab.
The CFO of Linden Lab has said in his post on the official website:

"Friends -

When I joined Linden Lab there were many dragons to slay. The company was growing, but wasn't getting more profitable. We were just putting in an accounting system, beginning to understand the key financial drivers of our business and starting to develop our business model. I took the job because I thrive on slaying those kinds of dragons.

Fast forward to now. We have a comprehensive financial model that ties all the activities of Second Life to our revenue forecast so that we can manage to profitability. I am proud to say that we boosted profitability and generated a very healthy cash balance. We implemented all new accounting practices including a comprehensive revenue recognition policy. We've come a long way and I'm proud of my work and that of the great finance team.

Now that the big dragons have been slain, I am off to find the next business adventure and create the kind of momentum we have created here at Linden Lab, together. And while I'll miss you all, I'm excited about Second Life's future. Linden Lab has an outstanding leadership team with great people and a compelling, game-changing product. I feel that I'm leaving the company in good hands at the right time. Success is the company's destiny."

Zee Linden was widely known for his straight answers in a company that rarely answered them an will be missed for his transparency.
Linden Lab are now advertising for a new CFO.


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