Friday, March 20, 2009

Open the RFL Box with Dana

For anyone who has even glanced at the newspaper this week you can't fail to realise its Relay time and for those that feel we go a little over board at relay time then I apologise if you feel we are harping on one particular charity.
Indeed there are many fantastic charities in SecondLife and each and every one of them does an amazing job in raising awareness and supporting people in an environment that they feel comfortable in.
I have read and heard a lot that has worried me the last few weeks, with questions about the validity of charities in SL and people asking where and how the money raised is spent, each charity is different but each should be registered and no genuine charity will mind answering those questions. If you are in doubt look for confirmation and ask questions!
There have been some huge achievements made in fundraising thanks to the hard work of the people behind the scenes and I want to once again emphasize all the people on the committees and behind the scenes at events are voluntary -they give their time and effort for no reward and more often than not they are beaten and worn by the end of it, so please please consider how much it takes to organise such huge events and give a little love to those that make it happen!

On the Flip side is the amazing enthusiasm people have shown and the positive comments on the whole of relay. I can't wait to see what the rest of relay holds make sure you check the RFLinSL section to keep up with events around the grid.

The clothing fair continues until Sunday and thats where you will usually find me around the center sim (if you can keep me from shopping) and I wanted to let you all know that the RFL vendors in each store are the ones that automatically donate to RFL a lot of the designers may contribute some or all of their profits to RFL at the end of the fair BUT they are not allowed by ACS rules to say so, to be sure to support RFL buy from the purple and white vendors in each store!
If the Relay Raiders hit 5 Million lindens by Sunday Nevar Lobo, the fairs organiser, will have to wear silks for 15 days which right now are being created especially for him by Nicky Ree! so come and join us, enjoy the live music and the shopping, buy from the vendors and help us get those totals up!

See you at the fair everyone!
Dana Vanmoer


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