Thursday, March 12, 2009

Exclusive first view of the 7 sins dresses

Last night James and I sat and talked to Nevar Lobo and Amethyst Starostin about this years Clothing fair benefitting RFL and these gorgeous gowns you can see here for the very first time.

Dana: Tell me about the idea of the 7 sins dresses and the pirate theme
Nevar Lobo: Well way back last year when we were talking about the fair we threw out ideas for themes and Haroldthe Burrel wanted to do the 7 sins.
JamesT Juno: So orginally the sims were to be themed around the 7 sins?
Amethyst Starostin: actually the first idea was the 7 wonders of the medieval world
Nevar: We never did anything with 7 sins untill later when Synergy (Devonshire) found the dresses, well the pictures for the dresses
Amethyst: and then we kept kicking stuff around over the summer
JamesT: so who chose pirates and why?
Amethyst: Well...when Pips Fetid was still the head of the build team...she and her team had kicked it around... the medieval builds we had in mind were very time consuming so they started to discuss other options and came up with pirates partially because the Raider's theme song is "Airship Pirates" by Abney Park...but I could be wrong about that reasoning
Nevar: When pips left because of Real LIfe .. we just stuck with the theme and it was at that time we went back to the pictures of the 7 deadly sins and decided we would do an auction
Amethyst: there was a song Harry (Haroldthe Burrel) kept referring to... "the Pirates and the 7 deadly sins" and that's how we tied it
Dana: The seven sins dresses can you tell me what they are about, who made them etc....
Nevar: seven deadly sins designs ..

wrath ... Raven Pennyfeather
sloth .... moxie polano
lust ... Paul Lapointe and Bastchild Lotus
envy .... swaffette firefly
vanity .... wiccan sojuorner
gluttony ... nicky ree
avarice... Lemania Indigo

Amethyst: The artwork these are based on is truly magnificent and have inspired some amazing creations from the designers.
We approached 7 designers to create an interpretation of the dresses in the paintings for a one of a kind auction benefitting RFL. Each dress is the only one, the winning bidders will be the only person to wear that gown
Dana: and its to be a silent auction?
Nevar: We are going to use an auction script like we use when we do our Art Auctions... so people will be able to come place their bids... names will not be known, however, the top bid will show then at 8pm slt on SUnday the 22nd after the last Fashion show we will announce the winners of the gowns

Dana: What has been the hardest part of setting up an event this size?
Nevar: For me its been getting everyone here at the fair ...and dealing with wanting to keep letting people in and not cut off the number of designers... every day i get someone else wanting to be a part of this event .. and its hard to say no
Amethyst: For me it has been trying to remind everyone this is a team effort and to work together for the big picture

Dana: How did you manage to get 9 sims?
Amethyst: Through the excitement of a couple of people that weren't afraid to dream big with us we originally planned 9, but couldn't make it happen, so we rethought it to 6 and then we met with Babe and Eyeing Daligdig and their enthusiasm was amazing within that hour we were realizing our dream of 9 sims!
Nevar: We have to thank Eyeing's RL company too , they help cover some of those sims ..

Dana: Tell me how it works: each sim is sponsored?
Nevar: The sponsorship pays for the tier of the sim ... all the sims are brand new brought online by Ohana land group. The donations of the advertising , the designers deposits and treasure hunts .. all those funds will go right to RFL
Dana: How did you find the sponsors?
Nevar: We had a couple of designers and other people tell us if you need help covering tier let us know we will pay for one so .. that is actually how the idea of sim sponsors came about we felt we needed to do something for those people to thank them
so then we sent out notecards about advertising and on there was a level for sim sponsors and that is how we found the rest of the sponsors.

JamesT: One of the criticisms heard often at big events is lag, what have you done to help that this year
Amethyst: we've been very cognizant of lag, we've kept the build prims to a minimum, small texture sizes and limited use of scripts and sculpties plus lots of natural decorations... creative use of water and land
Nevar: All i can do is hope that with the amount of prim that is open on the sims and the wide space of area we will have more flow to lessen the client side lag
People need to realize that when they come to events like this.. to Shop not to wear alot of prim .. take shoes off ... and remove ao's and huds... other people are shopping and honestly they dont care what you look like they are here for the designers good stuff.

Dana: where can readers find out about events happening at the fair?
Nevar: all events are being listed in the events under search also they can follow in the blog
also through you and through the designer groups of the different designers who are here at the fair. The newpaper and the blog will be the most upto date info on the fair
Dana: what to you is the most important factor of the clothing fair?
Nevar: To me ... the most important factor is RFL ... and that is why this fair benefits RFL this is all about community and raising money to help find a cure for cancer ... Together we can
Amethyst: we do this in the hope that one life will be that no one has to lose the people they love to this disease

Amethyst: The theme for this year's Relay campaign is One World, One Hope... it's about embracing our diversity and coming together for a common cause.. and my prayer people work this year on Relay... that they remember this is not about them...but something much bigger than they will ever be
Nevar: i have one thing to say that i need the readers to know ... when they are shopping through this event .... and look in the stores... There are RFL vendors .. .. buy stuff .from those vendors... do the treasure hunt and remember that it takes only 1 L to make a difference ... that Together we find a cure .... and that is my hope that in my lifetime we will find one
The fair opens monday at 10am slt we hope everyone is knocking the doors down when we open the sims.

Dana: is there anyone you would especially like to mention?
Nevar: I would like to give a very special thanks to Moxie Polano ... who did all these wonderful stores... To Eyeing and Babe Daligdig for the sims... to Viscount Menatep for his building and getting us these great ships... You and James... for the continued support and partnerrship on this event ...Every designer who participates and of course the Raiders. Timeless modeling agency and lastly .. my wife .. cuz wihtout her i would have lost it a long time ago
Amethyst: there were many people who gathered to make this a success...they all deserve a big round of applause
Nevar: Together we will find a cure !

Photo's by Mystique Sassoon (except Wrath by Raven Pennyfeather and Gluttony by Nicky Ree)


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