Sunday, December 28, 2008

[RESOLVED] Logins slow or failing

[RESOLVED 12:11 pm PST] We haven’t seen any further complications, and are closing this issue as resolved.

[UPDATE 10:50 am PST] One of our network providers suffered a signifcant outage, which may have contributed to the earlier reported login issues. Once their services were restored, our login servers dealt with the rush, and logins should now be back to normal.

We’ll leave this blog open until we’re satisfied all issues are taken care of.


It appears that some of our login servers are struggling, and some Residents won’t be able to complete the login process. Our Ops team is aware of the situation, and working to fix this as soon as possible.

BUT I can't log in or get to support
I have tried several times to log back in even though the grid status says [RESOLVED] and returned to normal over an hour ago. There are 72,000 logged in right now and that will probably be the reason BUT why can't I get to support? if I log into the secondlife blog I get sent to the grid status page, if I log into the support portal I get sent to the grid status page which to be honest would make sense IF the grid status page actually told me what was going on.
So if anyone has any idea please drop a note in the comments.
Now that I have logged into the secondlife blog I cannot even get back there to log back out - its ridiculous in the extreme!


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