Saturday, December 27, 2008

A Few Thoughts…… from Gemma Cleanslate

As some of you who follow my stories know I LOVE Freebies !! Almost every day I read five or six blogs that offer information of how to get really attractive clothing , accessories, fun stuff, and items for the home. I have often thought these people who do the blogs really work hard!!!
I know some business owners will notify the freebie bloggers if there is something new they are giving away.
These freebies not only benefit those who go get them but they benefit the businesses too. If I go to a new store to look for a freebie I always look around and save the landmark. I sometimes recommend the shop to a friend who is looking for new hair or an outfit for something special and pass along the landmark.
And where do you think I will go if I want something special? I think we owe these bloggers a great deal of gratitude!
There is a lot of work finding and looking at the items before recommending them. A while back I saw some really negative comments on one of the blogs complaining that the item was no longer there or the slurl was incorrect.
I thought to myself that is really dumb!! I would not stand for that if I were the blogger!! Well again today, one of my most favorite bloggers, Feodora Umarov, made a decision to stop blogging!!!
The reason is that she is getting hate mail!!!!!
Can you imagine!
Feodora not only writes a wonderful blog, complete with pictures of the items she has seen but also maintains a group, “The Freebie Telegraph”. The group im is always actively notifying of new finds.
I enjoy her blog best of the ones I read.
I hope during this season of good cheer we will all take notice of the way we treat those who are so helpful and remind ourselves how lucky we are that such people exist here in sl.
I know her group will be very supportive of her and I hope she will reconsider her decision.

Gemma cleanslate


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