Friday, December 5, 2008

Open the box:

A lot of RL press recently have predicted the death of Secondlife as well as a lot of long term residents, now I don't see SL as dying but it really has changed a great deal.
I had to look closely, first of all, if the change was in my own perception, but I don't think it is.
I have now been here over 2 years and that isn't as long as some which are now giving up. So what has changed?
The change I think many of us are feeling is disappointment. Linden Lab originally encouraged active growth laying very few rules/laws and those they did put in place really did make sense even if you disagreed with them. There were reasons which were, more often than not, explained and once you had the explanation they made sense.
Now there is little communication from Linden Lab and when there is it is not trusted or believed, residents look for the hidden agenda in every post on the official blog. Why?
Because the explanations, when given, do not add up. Those of us who have been around for a while know a lot about the grid and how commerce here works, so when Linden Lab tells us one thing and our own experiences tell us another, its no wonder Linden Lab are accused of not knowing the real situation.
Looking at it from an outside perspective is it possible for Linden Lab to know what is happening in the grid? Well yes it is, IF they bothered to listen or did their research before making announcements that are so obviously wide of the mark.
Lately Linden Lab have touted new members of staff and supposed greater communication BUT to the majority of residents Linden Lab are NOT listening.
The perception grid wide is that Linden Lab are looking for commercial uses for the grid not for the residents anymore. Secondlife used to be "about the residents for the residents", but now?
Are we merely guinea pigs for the future of virtual worlds? Are we testing the grounds to find out what needs to fixed for big companies to start taking Secondlife seriously?
I know how I feel, what about you?


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