Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Lava fights back!

I was informed of a terrible accident at Boxapixels, the land owned by our friend Lord Leafblower, right next to our outlet there so I teleported over as fast as I could before the evidence could disappear!
It seems the lava around the 'Pit' has started to shift - I spoke to Lord Leafblower about the accident:
dana Vanmoer: what would you say was the cause of this accident?
Lord Leafblower: new physics engine? extreme gravity?
Lord Leafblower: hmmm
dana Vanmoer: nothing to do with substandard building materials??
Lord Leafblower: might be :D
Lord Leafblower: dont trust mega prims
dana Vanmoer: As the man responsible for visitors' safety what reassurance can you give that this is an isolated incident?
Lord Leafblower: watch where you are f***ing going - would be my advice :D
dana Vanmoer: that is not very reassuring
Lord Leafblower: nope =) but I will hire some noobs to shovel it up.
dana Vanmoer: Do you see any other parts of the landscape disappearing under the lava?
Lord Leafblower: maybe the sln shop, the lava is progressing in that direction.
dana Vanmoer: and you assured us it was safe this time !!!!!
Lord Leafblower: must have misunderstood me
dana Vanmoer: Do we get a refund if it disappears?
Lord Leafblower: no u have to pay to have it dug out
dana Vanmoer: This is sounding less and less like a good place to set up shop
dana Vanmoer: Do you have any details on the errrrm deceased? Had he been drinking in the club?
Lord Leafblower: I think he was flying after under the influence of the jack daniels available at the club. but I take no responsibility. Some people say they heard him shouting "screw you leafblower!!!" :D
dana Vanmoer: you think he was trying to get you shut down? A suicide mission?
Lord Leafblower: maybe was flying to the club and lost control. who knows. but he obviously has some pretty heavy-duty fireproof clothing on. gotta watch for the crazies.
dana Vanmoer: unfortunately not enough to save his life
Lord Leafblower: well he is poking out from the waist down, so maybe he is not brain dead.
dana Vanmoer: are you expecting the family of the dead man to sue?
Lord Leafblower: well its hard to tell - u know I went to welcome island, and there were thousands of his relatives. might be a cult or something. just keeping my eyes open for bland faced guys in white tees and jeans. :D

If the family of the poor unfortunate man would like any details they can contact us at our office at this location we would like to extend our sympathies and help if we can:


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