Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gambling back in Second Life?

On September 11th, last week, the US House of Representatives passed Bill H.R. 6870 amending the UIGEA, the part of the Safe Port Act that forced Linden Lab to ban all gambling in Second Life in July last year. This new Bill states that the ban on internet gambling only attacks sports betting. Furthermore it appoints a commission that will determine further definitions of what constitutes internet gambling.

Last year, on July 25th 2007 to be precise, Linden Lab announced a change to its Terms of Service (ToS), banning all gambling for money in Second Life. Basically, any game of chance that involved L$ transactions were outlawed. As most of the people who are in SL for at least a year remember, this caused a huge uproar and large protests. Not only that, but the economy of SL also got a direct hit (see chart).

Now it seems that the House has un-done this ban, at least for normal casino games like Poker and Roulette and BlackJack and even including the good-old Sploder. As long as it doesn't involve betting on sports results, this bill makes it legal again.

But of course, the fans of gambling in SL can only call this a glimpse of hope, because the Bill hasn't changed into Law just yet. First the US Senate has to pass this Bill, and after that the US president (currently Mr. Bush) has to sign it. And after that, Linden Lab has to feel compelled to revoke their ban through the ToS.

So there are still a few heavy steps to take, but in general it seems that at least some people in the Land of the Free have come to their senses. And of course, with the commission in place, they still have the power to outlaw casino games again, but that is not expected because that is not the intention of this new Bill.

The SL Newspaper will keep an eye on further developments although it will probably take some time before we hear anything else about this. When it's time to start in-world protests to convince the Lindens to change the ToS again, we'll certainly let you know. Or protest AGAINST changing the ToS again of course, if you want to keep SL free of gambling.


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