Saturday, March 15, 2008

Rumor control: prim savers not banned.

Yesterday, SL Newspaper picked up on a rumor that has been going around. The rumor said that rez-boxes, also called prim savers or temp rezzers, because of their function, would be banned from Second Life alltogether. The reason for this would be that they cause too much lag.

For those who don't know what it is: A prim saver (for example the famous Rezz-Box by Stukas Zephaniah) is an item that you can put your build in. Whether it's a tree, a building, home decoration, whatever. What it lt does, is rez it, but as temporary prims, over and over again. Those don't count against the prim limit of a parcel, but are still there. It's a way to be able to rez more than your prim limit.

Of course, if this rumor was true, half of SL would be jumping up and down out of frustration. Many people use these boxes, including builders, club owners, land owners, basically all kinds of people. It could also have great impact on land owners, because suddenly their parcel would not be big enough to hold everything they want to rez or create, and they would have to buy more land.

We went out to investigate and talked directly to one of our Linden Lab sources. Their response was something along the lines of: If this was true, we would post an announcement on the official LL blog. We don't plan anything like outlawing temp rezzers for now. But people should realize that they are pretty severe on server performance (causing much lag and sometimes even cause sim crashes).

Actually, this is what we already thought, but it was good to have it confirmed from LL side. So all we can say is: the rumor is not true. Even though the rumor tells that Lindens are going from sim to sim, deleting those items as undercover agents, there are many possible explanations for that. I only heard of one of those cases, but if it is really true, it could easily have been been because of a bad rez box causing trouble somewhere. It could have been reported by an angry neighbor and reported upon.

Either way, if you plan to use prim savers AKA rez-boxes AKA temp-rezzers, please use them wisely. There are some bad ones on the market, causing lots of lag, but there are also a few good ones. It is true that any temp-rezzer is lag causing, but usually only cause problems if there are many in one region.

For those who heard the rumor too: please ignore it and/or tell people that it's not true.


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