Saturday, March 8, 2008

Content creators bare their frustration

Yes I can fully understand the creators frustration and I generally support their efforts to stop content theft, but this campaign does raise a few questions:
*Are the creators just giving publicity to the problem, thereby encouraging others to find out how to copy?
As shown by 'The Herald' recently actually showing how copying is done!
*Will it raise awareness?
*How are buyers to know that the content they are buying is stolen, it doesn't come with names on and even if it did a company/group name can be different from a creators name?
I sympathize completely with the content creators in SL but without LL stepping in I don't see how it can be stopped and all that LL does in point you in the direction of the DMCA -
'Zara Linden: our developers are highly aware of them...there's nothing we can do to prevent them from being used'
Zara Linden: it falls under the DMCA law. if they are being used to copy another person's creations the violator should be reported using the DMCA process.
Zara Linden: we do take down objects that violate the terms pretty regularly
But as we do know they only remove the item from inworld not the inventory of the offender, that at least would be a step in the right direction.


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