Tuesday, March 18, 2008


The Relay Raiders Clothing fair started last night at 10pm kicking off with a live concert by LabGraal (read more about them HERE)

Last week I was lucky enough to be one of the first to see the Rezzable sims as Pips Fetid worked to shape the land and began to build.

What she has accomplished is amazing to behold, from 4 flat barren wastelands has grown the 4 seasons with lovely walks and pathways to the huge stage structure in the center.
You walk through spring flowers and blossoms to the white snow covered trees of winter in a few short minutes. You can almost hear the crunch of leaves on the ground as you wander under the colourful canopies in Autumn and hear the birds singing as you wander through summers bright glory!

Shops line the avenues with each and every designer making the effort to blend their designs into the surroundings.

If you want to shop this week then this is the place to go.
4 sims dedicated to showing you the best SL has to offer and all in one place - why go anywhere else?
84 top designers coming together for one of the biggest charity events in the Metaverse.
Already within 4 hours of opening the grand total stood at 2.4 million Lindens

with the Relay Raiders totalling L$1,144,783

The support for this valiant effort is unbelievable and brings tears to the eyes of those who have worked so hard to make it happen, the 4 sims are almost constantly packed and yes there is LAG, yes you may lose your hair and not look great while you are there - but this isn't about how you look, its about showing your support for those that need it most. So take off those prims and SHOP til you drop. Each and every designer has come up with an outfit designed especially for the fair and 100% of the proceeds for these outfits go to Relay! SHOP SHOP SHOP!!!!!
Other clothing fairs come and go with their main goal to help themselves and promote themselves and their sponsors - Relay Raiders and RFL are all about the people and helping to Celebrate, remember and fight back! Can we honestly do any less?
P.s Don't forget to keep watching the RFL section I will be posting much more detail there


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