Dexter and Lyla have been busy bringing in the third generation of Roland's. They currently have three girls and one boy. Three of the four kids are still in diapers so the household is a little nuts but Uncle Trevor is there to steal they're candy so it's all good. Hopefully, things will calm down once they all become kids.
I don't believe I mentioned that Dexter is working in the culinary career. He's a natural cook so I figure it's a good job for him. I gave him the vacationer lifetime reward which works out well if he skips work to do some fishing. I wish I would have realized the benefits of this reward when Eddie kept getting arrested. He almost always got arrested early on in his shift and that negatively effected his job performance, making it super hard from him to reach the top of his career. Oh well, you live and learn!
With three toddlers in the house, free time is nearly unheard of. Dexter and Lyla are constantly teaching them new skills whenever they're up at the same time. They focused their attention on Brent before they started with the twins. Brent's grumpiness didn't always work in their favor. Perhaps, if they took him outside to learn it would have brightened his mood. Just like Lyla he loves the outdoors.
Ginger, one of the twins, has plenty of toddler skills left to learn and plenty of time for that as she just became a toddler. She's brave and friendly. I have a feeling I'm going to really like that combination.
Fiona, the other twin, is a genius and a couch potato. It looks like Dexter and Lyla are getting rather good at squeezing in a little alone time whenever and however they can. I'm so glad these two like each other more then Eddie and Constance did.
Poor Uncle Trevor. He proposed to Jackie only to get rejected. You kind of have to feel bad for him even if he is evil and trying to destroy the neighborhood. On a more positive note he's no longer falling off the back of the treadmill.
Fawn is Dexter's and Lyla's oldest. She's a mean spirited, clumsy loner. Every time she goes to school she's immediately in a worse mood because she doesn't like crowds. I don't think she'll ever get an A if her mood drops every time she walks into a classroom. Augh! At least she always does her homework, even if she can't figure it out.
Birthday time! Brent's going to be a kid today. I rolled to see what family trait he'd have and he will be a loser. That makes him a grumpy loser, who loves the outdoor. Do I sense another Eddie in the making?
Okay, this time I had no idea where Fiona was. I took all the walls down and searched the second floor for her little body. When I couldn't find her I clicked on her icon and discovered she was hiding out in the toy box. She really had me worried there for a second.
If Jackie wasn't going to accept Trevor's proposal maybe he'd accept hers. I changed lots for a couple hours and invited Trevor over to Jackie's.
Jackie: "Trevor, I'm sorry I said no the other day. It was all so fast though. I really do want to be your wife. Will you marry me?"
Trevor: "Ha! I'd never say yes after you turned me down the other day. I'm not a toy that you can throw around as you please."
Jackie: "Aw, c'mon. Don't be that way."
Trevor: "Too bad. You totally blew it."
Jackie: "Will you at least move in with me?"
Trevor: "Hmph! I'm not sure I want to."
Jackie: "I'll make it worth your while."
I kicked Trevor out of the house and moved him in with Jackie. I was planning to keep him in the house until he reached his LTW but he wasn't really making much progress in it so I'll try that one again later.
One day when Fawn didn't come home after school, I went looking for her. I'm not used to my sims not coming home right after work or school so I was a bit worried. I found her in the school yard playing all alone on the swings. She looked so happy being by herself, away from her crowded home that I left her there swinging until she decided to come home on her own.
Dexter decided to take Brent out for some fishing and a little male bonding time. Afterall, they were out-numbered by woman in their house. Of course, Dexter caught lots of high quality fish, but Brent also managed to snag a few minnows of his own. When it was time for Dexter to head off to work he promised Brent they'd go fishing again soon.
Back at home, Lyla and Fawn were playing tag while the twins took a nap.
Lyla: "Augh, I'm so not as young as I once was."
"Getting old?"
Lyla: "Speak for yourself! I just need to exercise a little and there's not much time for that with four kids."
"Hey, I'm no were near old either."
Lyla: "That makes two of us then."
"Whoa! What happened to you?"
Dexter: "Do you mind? I'm taking a bath!"
"Yeah, sorry about that. When you left for work you looked fine though."
Dexter: "You could say it was a rough day on the job."
"I'd say!"
Dexter: "Seriously, do you mind!?!"
"Right, I'm leaving."
Dexter: "Geesh! What does one have to do to get a little privacy in this place! The bathroom apparently isn't even safe."
Oh look, it's Fawn's birthday. Doesn't she look cute! I certainly think she does anyways. Because of her poor grades the game assigned her a trait. I'll give you one guess what it is once you see the next slide.
Yep, she got athletic. That's just great because clumsy and athletic go so well together. She's never going to stay on the treadmill without rolling off the back of it or do strength training without dropping the weights on her toes! Actually, this might be fun to watch.
Aw, poor Ginger! She looks so upset. It can't be easy not being a genius like her twin. I bet Fiona would know exactly what shape would fit into which hole. Ginger is super adorable in my book though!
I changed Fawn's look a little to better fit her personality. I figure someone who's athletic would probably wear sporty clothes and not dresses on a regular day. She wanted to swim so I sent her jogging to the pool. Before she could swim though she had to go to school. Maybe after school she can go.
Oh, also, on a side note I've decided to start dressing my sims in their favorite color like some other legacy writers are doing. I really like that idea. Fawn's favorite color is grey.
I wonder where Brent is off to so late. Maybe to do some fishing? Curfew's in a couple hours so he better not stay out too long.
It looks like Brent went to the cemetery. He had a wish to go and I've been curious about what might happen there at night so I figured we'd check it out.
Before Brent could get into too much trouble it was time for the twins to become kids. Ginger grew up first. I rolled the loser trait for her to carry on but it didn't show up as an option. I don't see how friendly or brave would contradict that trait so I'll see if it comes up for her as a teen. For now though I hit the random button and she got over emotional for her third trait.
Fiona was up next. I rolled inappropriate for her. inappropriate genius, that's a very believable combination. So often book smart people don't have a clue on how to act in public.
Meanwhile, Brent was still wandering around the cemetery. It looks like he's going to check out the mausoleum. I've seen some other sims walk out of there looking pretty messed up. Hopefully, Brent has better luck then them. Oh, and it's officially past his curfew. He better not get picked up by the cops!
After what seemed like days, Brent finally came out of the mausoleum looking the same as he did when he walked in. Phew! Now, he better hurry home before the cops find him. I'm sure Dexter and Lyla wouldn't be too happy about any of their children being escorted home by the police.
Oh my! That homework must be pretty tough. Fawn looks a lot like Constance with that stupid expression on her face. Constance was the queen of bad expressions. I really hope Fawn doesn't follow in her footsteps.
Ooo, but maybe Ginger can follow in her dad's footstep of being a natural cook. Now, that to mean seems like a useful trait to have instead of over emotional. What? Is she going to cry over every good and bad thing that happens? Yuck!
Okay, so I decided to make a gardening section on the lot. My intentions are for Lyla to start planting fruits and veggies in the green gap between the flowers and sprinkler. Little did I realize, my sims would want to play in the sprinkler. Doh! Brent was the first one to run amuck among the flowers. I guess there's no harm in him playing with the sprinkler as long as nothing is destroyed in the process.
"Ew! What in the world are you eating!?! I thought you were a natural cook."
Dexter: "Shut up! I'm really trying hard to swallow down these waffles and you're not helping."
"You don't really need to eat them. There's enough food in the fridge to make more."
Dexter: "Lyla made these. I don't want her to get upset if I don't eat them."
"Ah! Say no more. You're always trying to please the Mrs."
Dexter: "Abso-freaking-lutely! It keeps her from being mean to me usually."
Lyla frequently rolls wishes to play her guitar in the park since she's both outdoorsy and a virtuoso. I don't mind sending her out as long as she's playing for tips. The family has almost everything they need but a little extra money never hurt anyone! Besides, there are many appliances that could use an upgrade!
Ginger brought Ebony home with her after school. This made me very happy since she's the kid of one of my co-workers sim self and I was kind of hoping Brent would hit it off with one of her daughters. Now's my chance to see if they'll get along. Brent's already learned she's mean-spirited. That's perfect! While they chatted I started wondering where Fiona was. She hadn't come home from school with her siblings for some reason.
When I double clicked her icon it took me to the local gym. I have no idea why a little girl would be at a gym. I guess it wasn't to make friends or if it was she was clearly not doing a good job at that.
It's always a good sign when a boy chases after a girl, right? I can already see a long and happy marriage in their future.
Lyla has joined the Symphony! I knew her LTW was to top one of the music careers but I didn't realize she had to pick a certain path. When the option showed up for her to choose I totally paniced. I had no idea which one she wanted. Fortunately, I managed to chose the correct one. Had it been wrong what could I have done though? Have her start all over? What a pain!
"Um, sprinklers are for kids."
Lyla: "And boys go to jumpiter to get more stupider! Bite me!"
"Are you seriously sticking your butt out?"
Lyla: "Mind your own business! When I'm not busy raising four kids I'm working. I'm entitled to have a little fun, even if it is by doing the butt dance with the sprinker!"
I wanted to see what Trevor was up to so I sent Fawn over for a visit.
Fawn: "Uncle Eddie, it's so wonderful to see you."
Trevor: "Do I sense a bit of sarcasim?"
Fawn: "Who, me? Never! My mom didn't like force me out the door to come and check on you or anything crazy like that. So, um, how are you? Still plotting to destroy the neighborhood?"
Trevor: "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Fawn: "Oh, now you're doing the whole secrecy thing. That's probably smart. So, are you and Jackie any closer to getting married?"
Trevor: "Why don't you ask her? Sometimes marriage is not for everyone."
I have no idea why the game reverted Trevor's hair back to the same style as his fathers. I don't know about the rest of you but when a sim ages into a teen or apparently moves out of the house in my game they seem to inherit their parents hair style. So annoying!
Jackie: "Hey, Fawn. What brings you this way?"
Fawn: "Mom wanted me to check on Eddie."
Jackie: "So what's the verdict? Should he be institutionalized?"
Fawn: "Nah, you seem to be taking care of him."
Jackie: "I told him to stop talking about this master plan of his."
Fawn: "Thank goodness! I was tired of hearing about it."
Jackie: "Do you hear that? It sounds like sirens."
Well, I guess a sim can't stay at a friends house past curfew otherwise they'll get picked up by the cops. That's just silly! Especially since Eddie's family and all.
Lyla: "You little brat! What were you thinking staying out past curfew! The people in this town already dislike our family. We don't need to give them anymore reason not to like us."
Fawn: "You stup.."
Lyla: "Don't even think of saying it."
Fawn: "I hate you!"
Lyla: "Where were you anyways?"
Fawn: "Where do you think?"
Lyla: "The park, making out with some boy probably."
Fawn: "You're so stupid! I was at Unc..."
Lyla: "I'm going to wash your mouth...where were you?"
Fawn: "Uncle Eddie's."
Lyla: "Well, why didn't you say so?"
Fawn: "Because you wouldn't let me get a word in!"
Lyla: "Whatever...I don't care where you were, go to your room!"
OMG! Dexter looks so freaking excited! His favorite food is cookies. I've never seen a sim react to their favorite food before. He clapped before each bite he took. It was too funny!
It's pretty cool how sims can talk to ghosts. At least, it's nice that Constance's grandkids can get to know her a bit. I'm not sure I'd care if the next generation of kids could talk to her though. There's got to be a way to move these headstones to the grave yard if I want. Anyone know how?
Fawn went home with Danielle (my real life co-workers sim self's daughter) after school one day.
Fawn: "I think my brother likes your sister."
Danielle: "I know she likes him."
Ebony: "Hello? I'm right here."
Danielle: "Oh, come on. It's no secret."
Ebony: "Well, if it was, it sure isn't now."
Danielle: "Why don't you run over to the Roland's house and confess your love for Brent?"
Ebony: "Oh, I'm so going to kick your butt later!"
Ebony charged out of the room. Danielle and Fawn burst out into laughter.
Danielle: "This is what I think of her empty threat!"
"Ew, gross! Don't even think about bringing those bugs into the house with you."
Dexter: "Don't worry. I'll keep them tucked safely in my inventory."
"It's your funeral, buddy. I'm guessing Lyla will freak out if she finds out you have them."
Dexter: "I'm not going to tell her and you better not either."
Ginger went home with a new friend after school too. His name is Zebulon. What a name, huh? It's sounds like it's right out of a sci-fi movie.
Birthday time! Brent is now a teen. I randomly rolled can't stand art for his forth trait. Maybe that's why he has such a disgruntled look on his face. On seoncd thought he's a grumpy sim so that must be why.
"Wow, Lyla! That's a very nice painting. Do I sense a bit of anger inside you though?"
Lyla: "It's dark, I like it."
"Sell it. I'm not hanging something so creepy up on the walls."
Lyla: "What if I don't want to?"
"Then I'll sell it when you're not looking!"
It was the weekend so the kids had plenty of time to do the things they wanted. Brent invited Ebony out for lunch.
Ebony: "Thanks for inviting me out!'
Brent: "It was great to see you."
Ebony: "I guess this is good-bye then."
Brent: "Um, can I ask you a question first."
Ebony: "Sure."
Brent: "Are you seeing anoyone?"
Ebony: *giggles* "No, are you?"
Brent: "No."
They stood there in silence for a few minutes before Ebony's braveness took over. She leaned in towards Brent and told him she thought he was cute. As they say in Hollywood, the rest is history!
They aren't the only one's getting a little action. Dexter and Lyla sneak in some together time whenever they can. I try to leave them alone when they're like this. I know I wouldn't want to be interupted when I'm spending quality time with my man!
Fiona: "I make a better silly face then you."
Ginger: "Not-ah. Mine's better!"
Fiona: "You don't even stick your tongue out very far."
That Sunday night the entire family gathered around to roast mashmallows.
Fawn: "Did Brent tell you guys that he has a girlfriend?"
Ginger: "Ew!"
Lyla: "Who is she?"
Dexter: "Is it Ebony? I knew you liked her."
Brent: "Shut up, Fawn! Ebony's not my girlfriend...yet."
Lyla: "I always liked that girl. She's got a certain edge to her."
Fiona: "She's got a mean streak just like you mom."
Lyla: "Ah, that's probably it."
The next morning before school Lyla found Brent outside running through the sprinkler.
Lyla: "What are you, stupid? You're homework's not done and school starts in just over an hour!"
Brent: "So, that's no reason to call me stupid."
Lyla: "Go finish your homework."
Brent: "That's all you needed to say. No reason to be so mean!"
Later that evening the twins became teens. I randomly rolled easily impressed for Fiona and assigned Ginger the dislikes children trait since the loser trait was still not availabe for her.
This is where I'm going to end this chapter. I'll be putting an heir poll up over at boolprop for this generation. Make sure to vote!









Jackie: "Trevor, I'm sorry I said no the other day. It was all so fast though. I really do want to be your wife. Will you marry me?"

Jackie: "Aw, c'mon. Don't be that way."
Trevor: "Too bad. You totally blew it."
Jackie: "Will you at least move in with me?"
Trevor: "Hmph! I'm not sure I want to."
Jackie: "I'll make it worth your while."
I kicked Trevor out of the house and moved him in with Jackie. I was planning to keep him in the house until he reached his LTW but he wasn't really making much progress in it so I'll try that one again later.



Lyla: "Augh, I'm so not as young as I once was."
"Getting old?"
Lyla: "Speak for yourself! I just need to exercise a little and there's not much time for that with four kids."
"Hey, I'm no were near old either."
Lyla: "That makes two of us then."

Dexter: "Do you mind? I'm taking a bath!"
"Yeah, sorry about that. When you left for work you looked fine though."
Dexter: "You could say it was a rough day on the job."
"I'd say!"
Dexter: "Seriously, do you mind!?!"
"Right, I'm leaving."
Dexter: "Geesh! What does one have to do to get a little privacy in this place! The bathroom apparently isn't even safe."




Oh, also, on a side note I've decided to start dressing my sims in their favorite color like some other legacy writers are doing. I really like that idea. Fawn's favorite color is grey.










Dexter: "Shut up! I'm really trying hard to swallow down these waffles and you're not helping."
"You don't really need to eat them. There's enough food in the fridge to make more."
Dexter: "Lyla made these. I don't want her to get upset if I don't eat them."
"Ah! Say no more. You're always trying to please the Mrs."
Dexter: "Abso-freaking-lutely! It keeps her from being mean to me usually."






Lyla: "And boys go to jumpiter to get more stupider! Bite me!"
"Are you seriously sticking your butt out?"
Lyla: "Mind your own business! When I'm not busy raising four kids I'm working. I'm entitled to have a little fun, even if it is by doing the butt dance with the sprinker!"

Fawn: "Uncle Eddie, it's so wonderful to see you."
Trevor: "Do I sense a bit of sarcasim?"
Fawn: "Who, me? Never! My mom didn't like force me out the door to come and check on you or anything crazy like that. So, um, how are you? Still plotting to destroy the neighborhood?"
Trevor: "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Fawn: "Oh, now you're doing the whole secrecy thing. That's probably smart. So, are you and Jackie any closer to getting married?"
Trevor: "Why don't you ask her? Sometimes marriage is not for everyone."
I have no idea why the game reverted Trevor's hair back to the same style as his fathers. I don't know about the rest of you but when a sim ages into a teen or apparently moves out of the house in my game they seem to inherit their parents hair style. So annoying!

Fawn: "Mom wanted me to check on Eddie."
Jackie: "So what's the verdict? Should he be institutionalized?"
Fawn: "Nah, you seem to be taking care of him."
Jackie: "I told him to stop talking about this master plan of his."
Fawn: "Thank goodness! I was tired of hearing about it."
Jackie: "Do you hear that? It sounds like sirens."


Fawn: "You stup.."
Lyla: "Don't even think of saying it."
Fawn: "I hate you!"
Lyla: "Where were you anyways?"
Fawn: "Where do you think?"
Lyla: "The park, making out with some boy probably."
Fawn: "You're so stupid! I was at Unc..."
Lyla: "I'm going to wash your mouth...where were you?"
Fawn: "Uncle Eddie's."
Lyla: "Well, why didn't you say so?"
Fawn: "Because you wouldn't let me get a word in!"
Lyla: "Whatever...I don't care where you were, go to your room!"



Fawn: "I think my brother likes your sister."
Danielle: "I know she likes him."
Ebony: "Hello? I'm right here."
Danielle: "Oh, come on. It's no secret."
Ebony: "Well, if it was, it sure isn't now."
Danielle: "Why don't you run over to the Roland's house and confess your love for Brent?"
Ebony: "Oh, I'm so going to kick your butt later!"

Danielle: "This is what I think of her empty threat!"

Dexter: "Don't worry. I'll keep them tucked safely in my inventory."
"It's your funeral, buddy. I'm guessing Lyla will freak out if she finds out you have them."
Dexter: "I'm not going to tell her and you better not either."



Lyla: "It's dark, I like it."
"Sell it. I'm not hanging something so creepy up on the walls."
Lyla: "What if I don't want to?"
"Then I'll sell it when you're not looking!"

Ebony: "Thanks for inviting me out!'
Brent: "It was great to see you."
Ebony: "I guess this is good-bye then."
Brent: "Um, can I ask you a question first."
Ebony: "Sure."
Brent: "Are you seeing anoyone?"
Ebony: *giggles* "No, are you?"
Brent: "No."



Ginger: "Not-ah. Mine's better!"
Fiona: "You don't even stick your tongue out very far."

Fawn: "Did Brent tell you guys that he has a girlfriend?"
Ginger: "Ew!"
Lyla: "Who is she?"
Dexter: "Is it Ebony? I knew you liked her."
Brent: "Shut up, Fawn! Ebony's not my girlfriend...yet."
Lyla: "I always liked that girl. She's got a certain edge to her."
Fiona: "She's got a mean streak just like you mom."
Lyla: "Ah, that's probably it."

Lyla: "What are you, stupid? You're homework's not done and school starts in just over an hour!"
Brent: "So, that's no reason to call me stupid."
Lyla: "Go finish your homework."
Brent: "That's all you needed to say. No reason to be so mean!"

This is where I'm going to end this chapter. I'll be putting an heir poll up over at boolprop for this generation. Make sure to vote!
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