Monday, April 20, 2009

The notices are going up!

Age-verification in SL apparently beckons, in early May. And, my, but the natives appear to be restless, as a quick shimmy through blogs and out-of world websites demonstrates. Of course, much of this comment is mere speculation. Truthfully, no one -perhaps even Linden Labs themselves- seems to be entirely clear as to what age verification really means, in terms of access to sims, and more importantly, how it’s going to be implemented and retain the confidence of users. It would appear a policy of “suck it and see” seems to be the best way to describe the entire policy: Linden Labs will introduce it and then see how or if it works and tinker endlessly thereafter.

I have spoken to people who believe that age verification is going to be necessary for “mature” sims, which means about 99% of all sims. One person I spoke to was under the impression that any form of “nudity” would require users of sims to be age-verified. This meant that freebie shops showing skins for sale would even fall into that category. From what I can gather, this is not going to be the case (although, as with every element of the entire age-verification thing, no one can really be sure how it will manifest itself). Linden Labs are, apparently, going to introduce a new ‘Adult’ category, above and beyond ‘Mature’. Although I cannot be entirely certain, I’m guessing that ‘Mature’ will include, for example, nude beaches (and freebie shops), while “Adult” may include orgy venues and BDSM sims.

However it eventually shakes down, it all seems a little ill-planned. We know that minors are barred from the grown-up version of SL, yet this demand for age-verification seems designed, in part, for the purpose of protecting minors from potential predatory paedophiles. There can be no complaints, from anyone, on this issue. It is right, it is good, and it is important that minors (who shouldn’t be there in the first instance) are still afforded as much protection as they can be afforded, even if they are contravening the terms and conditions of use by logging into the grown up version of SL.

What I’m less enamoured with is that age-verification seems like a sop to ‘outside forces’, self-styled moral guardians, making demands that SL cleans up its act. While protecting minors is vital, demanding that SL conforms to some code of morality defined by others is most definitely not acceptable to most users. People use SL to create their fantasy life and fulfil their dreams, a fact borne out in the way that most people are virtually siliconing, botoxing, and working-out their avatars to make it the land of the beautiful people.

If they wish to create the cantilevered breasts or impressively proportioned genitalia they lack in RL, what’s the harm? It is escapism. It is a dream. It is fantasy, and it is entertaining relaxation time.

Chaining a submissive girl to some instrument of torture and gang-raping her is not my idea of fun but, hey, if that’s the fantasy of consenting adults who can fulfil a fantasy/dream (albeit with cartoon characters), then it is not for me to judge. Personally, I find the entire thing incomprehensible, but I’m not going to judge the morality or fantasy of others. I cannot accept that, and neither should you. It is vitally important that users make it clear to Linden Labs we all understand and accept the need to protect minors (who shouldn’t be using the grid anyway) but we will not stand for interference from a self-styled morality police.

And that brings us back to the age-verification issue. How do we ensure the matter of being confident that there are only “consenting adults” involved? Why have Linden Labs embraced this ridiculous third party age verification system when a global standard -the purchase of internet hard-core porn included- would be a credit card?

On that issue, I need to make it clear I am a European user, so the matter of social security numbers aren’t really applicable to me. But I am led to believe that giving your social security number to a third party is actually an offence in some states (of the US).

My “data” has previously been verified by my credit card company. My use of that card creates an audit trail. My purchases, of whatever and wherever, are traceable. Is there really any need to adopt any other sort of system? What are the benefits of Linden Labs chosen method of age-verifying, over that of the credit card system? The fact that a street-wise kid can probably borrow Dad’s credit card. Yeah, but will the same street-wise kid not borrow Dad’s social security or passport number?

The person fulminating over the fact that “nudity” demanded age-verification brought up the matter of “cultural differences” in what is judged to be acceptable and unacceptable. “I can go to a beach in France where topless women are my expectation and norm”, said SL resident Jimmy Humbridge, “but that is not the case on US beaches, by and large”. While Jimmy’s fears appear at this stage to be unfounded, it does raise the issue of local cultural acceptability. Could someone, for example, rezz some poseballs that replicate a woman being stoned to death or a man flogged, things that do happen in real life and are understood to be part of the justice system? It’s a horrible idea, to the overwhelming majority of western SL users, but possibly unworthy of comment by some other SL users.

The real world is diverse. There are many elements of it we embrace or deplore, but we implicitly understand (or should understand) that it is impossible to impose our values on others. Their reality is their reality, and ours is ours. I do not wish to be judged on my views to nudity within SL anymore than I wish to judge others views on submissive females or instruments of torture.

In the end, the age-verification issue is fraught with dangers from a lack of a clear indication of what it entails. At this stage it would seem that users should desist from age-verifying until the nuts and bolts of the matter becomes much, much clearer.

Submitted by Howie Lamilton


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