Thursday, October 16, 2008

What's in a name?

When we sign up for an online site often the registration is the only thing we will use that name for and when our first choice isn't available we add a few numbers or randomise it. When signing up for SL its obvious a lot of people have done this too.
To an extent, before the introduction of voice in SL, it didn't matter too much and people soon started contracting difficult to spell names of friends but now with voice things are very different.
I came across a JIRA issue that asks Linden Lab to consider putting some guidelines on the registration page - to which I wholeheartedly agree. (Click the link and add your votes)
Your name is SecondLife is very much a part of you and for new users being stuck with an unpronounceable or strange name could very well hamper how they progress in SL.
When I signed up for SL I already knew a little about it and went straight into pole dancing, I remember one girl whose avatar was called 'sexkitty' now for a pole dancer its a fantastic name but imagine I had started with a name like that, can you imagine people taking me seriously in the newspaper business? The only option when faced with something like that is to start over with a new avatar - not always easy especially if you are well established.
I recommend reading Vint Falkins guide HERE. Vint gives 10 great points to consider before choosing. Having something like this at registration would be a great advantage.
Overall I am happy I with the name I chose for myself (although I am often thought of as dutch) but at least its not a difficult name to say even with different pronunciations, some i have heard pronounce it dAYna others dARna, I actually say it the first way but recognise both.
How do you feel about your name? Does it express who you are perfectly or do you regret your choice? Let us know in the comments.
Dana Vanmoer


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