Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Burning life - Sounds and Symbols

Nish Mip created a marvelous structure that will entice you to climb as high as you can to reach the source of the wonderfully hypnotic sound that surrounds you as you listen to the didgeridoo . What a joy visually.
It was one of the first large builds I visited and it really is huge! I walked up and up and up to reach the top, and then another step and I was enveloped in an eye in meditation.
Someone near entered another eye and began to chant.
Later I talked to the creator who told me it just sort of grew as she went along and said,
” I just had ideas coming from all over it was really fun I was getting a huge buzz from it.”
Buzz is the best way to to describe the whole thing!! Look for it in Micro.
Another interactive project you can play with and hear musical sounds is one in Hydro sim by Salwin Yosikawa. Enter and pause to listen to the wind whirling around you visibly, then enter and walk among the rods to create the wonderful soulful tones. That project is in Hydro.
One build that I could see almost always from several sims was that of the Planet of the Apes with the statue of liberty sunken almost all the way below the earth but still holding the flame up high. One of the apes was leading a horse along side and you can sit there if you like or throw yourself into a beam of light in near despair .
One really cute smaller builld I saw in my travels was a tribute to Dr. Zeuss I believe. Green eggs around a rotisserie with a huge ham cooking and in the sky the Cat in the Hat looking on!!
Among the larger builds you will find many smaller interesting projects.
Do not forget to look around for them. More coming….
Gemma Cleanslate


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