Saturday, October 10, 2009

Second Life Zombiefest

Eating brains sounds like an odd way to help the Red Cross. But that’s exactly what’s happening, thanks to some residents in the Exodus sim. This weekend, Zombiefest is being held, with all Lindens raised going to charity.

Looking around, the place was like the setting of a horror movie, with people in undead avatars stumbling about, with tags like “Zombyonce,” “Will **** For Brains,” and other examples of “dead-pan” humor. There was a pale girl behind a kissing booth, “Kisses, $100L! Get your kisses here, by the help booth! A hundred Lindens to lick my rotten lips.” One lady gave out tarrot card readings from a gypsy wagon. There were also some vendors selling zombie AOs, and other goulish goods, as well as a few freebies available. At a funky-looking dance floor, complete with a danceball that looked like a round brain, a Rob Zombie band played to a packed audience of dancing corpses.

The idea for the event “originally started off as a zombie themed fashion show,” Putrid Gloom told me. He talked with Gattina Dumpling, “One of us, I don't remember who, found out that the 9th (of October) was International World Zombie Day. And so we formulated the idea to do something for charity that celebrated that.” Horrid Twine and Stein Shilova also helped to organize the event, “but we also have a group called Hot For Zombies, a zombie RP group. A lot of people came on board from that group and helped us. ... Also to be mentioned is that the good folk of NoR have donated this sim for the duration.”

Asked about the sim being filled to capacity, “We have had a fantastic response, bigger than we ever expected. It's been full from the get-go. When we talked Friday night, they had already raised a lot of cash, “So far we have just hit the 100,000L$ mark. We expect to make around 3 to 4 thousand (US dollars). Fingers crossed.” They were already making plans for the future, “Zombiefest 2010 is already being planned. ... We will probably do something around Christmas, but we haven't got any details for you I'm afraid.”

Saturday events had among them a Zombie Auction. Events Sunday include a Zombie dance party, complete with DJs, and a Burlesque show.

So for some Halloweenish fun a little early in the month, and giving to the Red Cross in the process, head over to the Exodus sim before the party comes to a close Sunday night.

“It’s to die for.”

Bixyl Shuftan


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