Sunday, February 22, 2009

Open the Box with Dana

Meet the crew - This week saw us doing new crew pictures since we have had quite a few join our team of intrepid reporters, we now have an office manager, Christina Munro. If you see any of the crew about be sure to say hi, without them we wouldn't have such variety of things for you to read. Thank you all for the hard work you all do.

Well its that time again, no not time to get out into the real world but Relay (Relay For Life) time again and I have been helping out with quite a few things and finding out how it all works from behind the scenes to the point where I was overwhelmed.
I can honestly say I have a great deal of respect for all the organisers behind the scenes of RFLinSL they have to give 150% to getting everything just right and most of the time they get a lot of pressure from people, who have absolutely no idea of the work involved, and often forget that everyone behind the scenes does this voluntarily - I don't know how these people keep their tempers I know with the amount of disrespect I saw I could not do it, I am human after all.
All these volunteers have my utmost respect and admiration for all they do.

I have also been helping with the RFL Clothing fair run and organised by the Relay Raiders, each year this gets bigger and better, but again I get shocked by the attitudes. Some seem to think they have a right to tell the organisers what they can and can't do - talk about temperaments!
Its amazing what these volunteers do, it is absolutely astounding the hours and work put in, on every aspect, they do not deserve the disrespect some give them.
I appeal to all those involved please remember the organisers are volunteers for a great cause that is important to so many people, the way some have spoken to them and argued with their decisions would be enough to make me not want to do it again next year!!!!
Thankfully they have a lot more patience with peoples temperaments than I do!
Great job from a dedicated group of people.

We have spent some time this week exploring some new places and found Southern Fun a themed community and a beautiful place to visit you can find out more about them on their Sponsor page HERE
Southern Fun is 8 sims with shops, ranches, homes and so much more well worth visiting for the beautiful surroundings and friendly people.

I guess this last couple of weeks has opened my eyes to how much of themselves people are capable of putting into Secondlife and just how many dedicated people there are here with us.
I know that not everyone appreciates them but I bet those that abuse these volunteers don't realize the damage they can do to a volunteers willingness to do this year after year.
So if there is a moral to this weeks Open the Box its remember 'Volunteers don't have to do what they do - give them the respect they deserve!'

Dana Vanmoer


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