Thursday, January 1, 2009

So 2009 begins

It was fantastic to see the new year in with friends, a lot of the crew came to join me at the main office as well as close friends like Pup Witherspoon and I am actually glad it wasn't a huge crowd at least I got to chat and have a laugh with friends. It was a lovely atmosphere with DJ Qwark playing 70's 80's and 90's music for us. We were counting down to the European New Year at 3pm slt but we ended up staying until we hit midnight GMT with fireworks on both
Then I was off to Skybeam Estates and the New Year ball the amazing DJ Dakota Christensen was on a mission to see in each new year around the world going from 2pm SLT through to 1am today so if you missed the party last night you can still join in at Here was a real sense of community and I felt at home.

Skybeam also announced their contest winners, over christmas Skybeam held 2 contests one for plot decoration with 3 prizes being awarded dependant on plot size and an Ice sculpture contest 3 prizes awarded to the 2 catagories or sculpts or non- sculpted sculptures and the winners were:
Decorating Contest , sponsored by Charlene and Amethyst of Captured Heart ..
each catagory gets 1st =3000, 2nd - 1500, 3rd = 750

Larger than 8192
Phoenix Ember 1st
Morgania Zilz 2nd
Tamsin Ireton 3rd
4096 to 8192m2
Crysta laville and Buck Morane 1st
Jaysyn Jameson and Harbinger Tinkel 2nd
Ticia Babii 3rd
Under 4096
Miranda Milestone 1st
Glitter Xeltentate 2nd
Breezes Babii 3rd

Ice Sculpture contest .. sponosred by Skybeam and Alessandra Pinklady
1st= 6000, 2nd = 3000, 3rd = 1500, HM = 500

FIRST PLACE - #6 - Cameron Stubbs - Airship Terminal -
SECOND PLACE - #9 - Dana Vanmoer - Time Guardian
THIRD PLACE - #3 - Rowena Paine -

HONORABLE MENTION - #10 - Cheen Pitney

Non - Sculpted :
FIRST PLACE - Zanebono Capalini - #15
SECOND PLACE - #12 Jaysyn Jameson
THIRD PLACE - #11 - Thril Shan

HM - #5 Audrey Fotherington
HM #7 Azure Blackadder
HM #1 Vessus Candour

Later I popped into to the beautiful Roselindas Paradise with Rose and Eymerich Unfortunately not long after everyone finally rezzed my struggling computer finally gave up and crashed completely by this time it was almost 3am for me so I gave up. Thank you for the invitation Eymerich, I am sorry I couldn't stay.
I would like to thank all for making 2008 a great year and I look forward to a brand new year with lots of exciting challenges for us all.
2008 and has been eventful to say the least very firmly seperating the Lindens from the Residents with some VERY unpopular choices on the lindens part, my wish for 2009 is for Linden Lab to realise the damage they are doing to Secondlife and to act now before the good in SL is lost through mistrust of them.
I, for one, love secondlife as many I know do but now most stay for their friends and if large networks leave others will follow.



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