Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Hurricane who?

Looks like Fire Island is being hit once again and is under Lock down as yet another hurricane rips through the community - but who is it this time?
Actually no-one seems to know, although finding the name of a griefer is not difficult and that IS known, but who is behind it?
There are accusations flying all over the place with friends old and new being blamed as well as little black books being scrutinised in case someone from the past has light to shed on matters - or of course the griefing attack could just have been an isolated incident that happens within any community once in a blue moon.
But I really feel for the residents of the community, being under attack is not a nice position to be in but, being under lockdown is just as bad - friends cannot visit, groups are closed to new members - of course it also means if you are looking to join the community you will have to wait as its now invitation only and you can be sure anyone wishing to join will be put under a microscope. Lets hope they never had friends of a certain name.
Griefing is childish and petty and I for one hope the community finds out who is behind it but throwing accusations around ??????????????


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